Researcher Page

Semertzidis, Yannis K. (야니스)
교수, (물리학과)
Research Area
Elementary Particle Physics, Particle Astrophysics, Elementary Particle Physics Experiment
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    Enhanced tunable cavity development for axion dark matter searches using a piezoelectric motor in combination with gears

    Yi, Andrew K; Seong, Taehyeon; Lee, Soohyoung; et al, JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, v.19, no.7, 2024-07

    Extensive Search for Axion Dark Matter over 1 GHz with CAPP'S Main Axion Experiment

    Ahn, Saebyeok; Kim, JinMyeong; Ivanov, Boris I.; et al, Physical Review X, v.14, no.3, 2024-07

    Optimization of High-Sensitivity SQUID Gradiometer for ARIADNE at CAPP

    Gkika, Violeta; Kim, Younggeun; Matlashov, Andrei; et al, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v.216, no.1-2, pp.386 - 392, 2024-07

    Parameter Optimization of Josephson Parametric Amplifiers Using a Heuristic Search Algorithm for Axion Haloscope Search

    Kim, Younggeun; Jeong, Junu; Youn, Sungwoo; et al, ELECTRONICS, v.13, no.11, 2024-06

    GrAHal-CAPP for axion dark matter search with unprecedented sensitivity in the 1-3 μeV mass range

    Pugnat, Pierre; Camus, Philippe; Kwon, Ohjoon; et al, FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS, v.12, 2024-04

    Development of axion haloscopes for high-mass search at CAPP

    Youn, SungWoo; Jeong, Junu; Semertzidis, Yannis K., FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS, v.12, pp.01 - 10, 2024-02

    What Can a GNOME Do? Search Targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic Physics Searches

    Afach, Samer; Aybas Tumturk, Deniz; Bekker, Hendrik; et al, ANNALEN DER PHYSIK, v.536, no.1, pp.2300083-1 - 2300083-20, 2024-01

    Novel Planetary Signatures from the Dark Universe

    Zioutas, K.; Anastassopoulos, V.; Argiriou, A.; et al, Astrophysics, v.66, no.4, pp.550 - 558, 2023-12

    Analytical estimation of the signal to noise ratio efficiency in axion dark matter searches using a Savitzky-Golay filter

    Yi, Andrew Kunwoo; Ahn, Saebyeok; Ko, Byeongrok; et al, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, v.2023, no.11, pp.1 - 14, 2023-11

    Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm

    Aguillard, D. P.; Albahri, T.; Allspach, D.; et al, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.131, no.16, pp.161802-1 - 161802-8, 2023-10

    Horn-array haloscope for volume-efficient broadband axion searches

    Jeong, Junu; Youn, Sungwoo; Semertzidis, Yannis K., PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v.108, no.5, 2023-09

    Search for the Sagittarius tidal stream of axion dark matter around 4.55 μeV

    Yi, Andrew Kunwoo; Ahn, Saebyeok; Kutlu, Caglar; et al, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v.108, no.2, pp.L021304-1 - L021304-7, 2023-07

    First Search for Axionlike Particles in a Storage Ring Using a Polarized Deuteron Beam

    Karanth, S.; Stephenson, E. J.; Chang, Seung Pyo; et al, PHYSICAL REVIEW X, v.13, no.3, 2023-07

    Speeding axion haloscope experiments using heterodyne-variance-based detection with a power meter

    Omarov, Zhanibek; Jeong, Junu; Semertzidis, Yannis K., PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v.107, no.10, 2023-05

    Dark Matter Detection in the Stratosphere

    Cantatore, Giovanni; cetin, Serkant A.; Fischer, Horst; et al, SYMMETRY-BASEL, v.15, no.6, pp.1 - 10, 2023-05

    Axion Dark Matter Search around 4.55 μeV with Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii Sensitivity

    Yi, Andrew Kunwoo; Ahn, Saebyeok; Kutlu, Caglar; et al, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.130, no.7, pp.071002-1 - 071002-7, 2023-02

    Near-Quantum-Noise Axion Dark Matter Search at CAPP around 9.5μeV

    Kim, Jinsu; Kwon, Ohjoon; Kutlu, Cagkar; et al, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.130, no.9, pp. 091602-1 - 091602-6, 2023-02

    Detector Array Readout with Traveling Wave Amplifiers

    Giachero, A.; Barone, C.; Borghesi, M.; et al, JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v.209, no.3-4, pp.658 - 666, 2022-11

    Search for Dark Matter Axions with CAST-CAPP

    Adair, C. M.; Altenmüller, K.; Anastassopoulos, V.; et al, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.13, no.1, pp.1 - 9, 2022-10

    A machine learning algorithm for direct detection of axion-like particle domain walls

    Kim, Dong Ok; Kimball, Derek F. Jackson; Masia-Roig, Hector; et al, PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE, v.37, pp.1 - 9, 2022-09

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