(An) Adaptive channel access control method for CDMA/PRMA코드분할/패킷예약 다중접속을 위한 적응형 채널접속 제어 방식

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Code Division Multiple Access/Packet Reservation Multiple Access (CDMA/PRMA) is a promising multiple access protocol for next generation mobile communications. But CDMA system is interference limited and multiple access interference (MAI) affects system performance significantly. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the MAI in CDMA/PRMA systems. We propose an adaptive channel access control (ACAC) method for CDMA/PRMA protocol to enhance channel utilization and system throughput by reducing MAI. There are two main subjects to reduce MAI in ACAC: the optimal permission probability and the transmission method of non-real time data packets. Permission probability is determined as an available optimal channel capacity (or load) divided by the number of contending terminals. Firstly in ACAC, we propose a new analytical procedure of estimating the number of contending terminals. The procedure utilizes the statistical characteristics of source traffic and the number of corrupted packets based on Search Energy Threshold (SET). It can be distinguished by the SET that a channel slot is idle or used. And then, corrupted packets are distinguishable from successful packets by the error status of packets. The new procedure estimates the number of contending terminals more accurately than the existing analytical procedures and is less labor-intensive than simulation based procedures. Secondly, we propose a dynamic optimal channel load (DOCL) instead of the conventional static optimal channel load (SOCL) used in all previous works. The variance in the number of mobile terminals succeeded in Bernoulli test is taken into account in deriving the optimal channel load. Thus, optimal channel load varies depending on the number of reserved terminals. Then, permission probability is calculated based on the dynamic optimal channel load and the estimated number of contending terminals. In ACAC, a mean channel load (the mean number of packets transmitted in each time slot) is mainta...
Cho, Jung-Wan조정완
한국과학기술원 : 전산학전공,
Issue Date
181173/325007 / 000925005

학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전산학전공, 2003.2, [ ix, 115 p. ]


Random Access; Permission Probability; Multiple Access Interference; CDMA/PRMA; Dynamic Optimal Channel Load; 동적최적채널부하; 랜덤억세스; 전송허용확율; 다중접속간섭; 코드분할/패킷예약

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