문학 연구의 고유성과 디지털인문학의 가능성: 연구 동향 분석 및 겸허한 제안The Uniqueness of Literary Studies and the Potential of Digital Humanities: Recent Trends in DH Research with a Modest Proposal

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This article aims to provide a scholarly examination of the unique status of literary studies and the potential of digital humanities within the evolving academic landscape. This goal will be achieved primarily by presenting an analysis of the recent developments in digital humanities research both domestically and internationally. The overview encompasses current DH research practices in disciplines beyond English literature to investigate the prospective advancements that DH might bring to contemporary literary scholars. Then the role of English literature as a discipline in the development of DH and notable research within the realm of literary studies will be examined. In this critical analysis, I maintain that our perception of DH should not be limited to its characterization as a quantitative analytical methodology or a theoretical framework that happens to be in fashion. Instead, I propose that digital humanities has the potential to fundamentally challenge our conventional approach to literary studies, which may present novel, historically relevant ways of doing humanities. This article concludes by offering suggestions to researchers in the field of English literature on how to move forward with digital literary studies while adhering to the fundamental principles of humanistic inquiry that underpin our academic endeavors.
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근대영미소설, v.30, no.2, pp.129 - 157

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HSS-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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