실내 자율주행 로봇을 위한 3차원 다층 정밀 지도 구축 및 위치 추정 알고리즘3D Multi-floor Precision Mapping and Localization for Indoor Autonomous Robots

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Moving among multiple floors is one of the most challenging tasks for indoor autonomous robots. Most of the previous researches for indoor mapping and localization have focused on singular floor environment. In this paper, we present an algorithm that creates a multi-floor map using 3D point cloud. We implement localization within the multi-floor map using a LiDAR and an IMU. Our algorithm builds a multi-floor map by constructing a single-floor map using a LOAM-based algorithm, and stacking them through global registration that aligns the common sections in the map of each floor. The localization in the multi-floor map was performed by adding the height information to the NDT (Normal Distribution Transform)-based registration method. The mean error of the multi-floor map showed 0.29 m and 0.43 m errors in the x, and y-axis, respectively. In addition, the mean error of yaw was 1.00°, and the error rate of height was 0.063. The real-world test for localization was performed on the third floor. It showed the mean square error of 0.116 m, and the average differential time of 0.01 sec. This study will be able to help indoor autonomous robots to operate on multiple floors.
Issue Date

로봇학회 논문지, v.17, no.1, pp.025 - 031

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EE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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