Towards Computational Complexity Theory on Advanced Function Spaces in Analysis

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Pour-El and Richards [PER89], Weihrauch [Weih00], and others have extended Recursive Analysis from real numbers and continuous functions to rather general topological spaces. This has enabled and spurred a series of rigorous investigations on the computability of partial differential equations in appropriate advanced spaces of functions. In order to quantitatively refine such qualitative results with respect to computational efficiency we devise, explore, and compare natural encodings (representations) of compact metric spaces: both as infinite binary sequences (TTE) and more generally as families of Boolean functions via oracle access as introduced by Kawamura and Cook ([ KaCo10], Sect. 3.4). Our guide is relativization: Permitting arbitrary oracles on continuous universes reduces computability to topology and computational complexity to metric entropy in the sense of Kolmogorov. This yields a criterion and generic construction of optimal representations in particular of (subsets of) L-p and Sobolev spaces that solutions of partial differential equations naturally live in.
Springer International Publishing
Issue Date

12th Conference on Computability in Europe, pp.142 - 152

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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