Spontaneous self-assembly of DNA fragments into nucleus-like structures from yolk granules of fertilized chicken eggs: Antoine Bechamp meets Bong Han Kim via Olga Lepeshinskaya

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We found evidence that spontaneous self-assembly of DNA molecules from yolk granules occurred during the very early stage of egg fertilization. In order to find solid evidence for self-assembly of DNA molecules, we collected many available data in different stages of fertilized eggs, making a data table. At first by using acridine orange vital staining to demonstrate DNA, we noticed that some yolk granules emitted DNA signals that gradually increased with increasing incubation time from very small sizes to much larger nucleus-like structures. For convincing evidence, we also used another vital dye, Hoechst 33258 DNA-specific dye, to trace the changes in the yolk granules. The patterns of the DNA signals from yolk granules stained with Hoechst 33258 were the same as those from the yolk granules stained with acridine orange. A partial phase contrast microscopic image of the changes in the yolk granules showed some liquid-like material around the granules before the formation of the nucleus-like structures. Concomitant use of fluorescence and partial phase contrast microscopy suggested that these liquid-like materials may have been released from yolk granules in which spontaneous self-assembly of DNA molecules had occurred. Finally, in order to verify whether the DNA signals came from real DNA molecules or not, by using deoxyribonuclease I (DNAse), we confirmed that the nucleus-like structures were really assembled DNA molecules. Thus, in this article, we report evidence for the self-assembly of DNA molecules toward cell-like structures and discuss our findings, comparing them with those in the works of other pioneers, especially Antoine Bechamp, Olga Lepeshinskaya and Bong Han Kim, who insisted on the existence of a mitosis-free alternative pathway for generating new cells. (c) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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MICRON, v.51, pp.54 - 59

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RIMS Journal Papers
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