Electrothermal MEMS Parallel Plate Rotation for Real Time Stereoscopic Endoscopic Imaging

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This paper reports MEMS parallel plate rotation (PPR) with electrothermal actuator for real-time stereoscopic imaging. MEMS PPR allows stereoscopic imaging by generating camera shift effect with displacement in ray of the light. The device was designed opto-mechanically to operate in dynamic mode for stability, large rotation angle. The electrothermal actuation rotates over 25° in dynamic mode under low voltage, generating over 80μm baseline that indicates distance between two cameras and decides depth resolution. Finally stereoscopic images was captured by MEMS PPR and high-speed camera and reconstructed. This method can be widely used in miniaturized stereoscopic imaging system based on single camera.
MEMS association
Issue Date

IEEE MEMS 2016, pp.805 - 808

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CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)BiS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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