건물 냉난방부하 절감을 위한 패시브 설계요소 민감도의 글로벌 지역별 비교 분석 연구Comparative Analysis on the Sensitivity of Design Elements for Minimized Energy Consumption in Different Global Regions

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There have been many advanced researches for identifying the factors which influence the heating and cooling loads of a building. Also there are precedent studies to ascertain potential improvement in building envelope related energy performance in different climate zones. This research intends to evaluate the priority of building design factors that are associated with heating and cooling loads. This study presents the outcome of a series of sensitivity analysis performed with the selected passive building design factors specifically applied to a chosen group of different global regions. We evaluated four different orientations for identifying its impact on the energy performance of a building. Windows are oriented to the East, West, North and South and through the systematic simulations we could find the optimal orientation of windows in each selected region. We evaluated the sensitivity of various passive building design factors. We set test cases based on the primary building design factors (orientation, insulation type, window ratio, type of window, proportion of building plan). These design factors were selected followed by many precedent researches. Even though there are many active design elements impacting building energy performance, we only consider passive design factors which potentially show better performance in life cycle cost analysis. The sensitivities of each building design factor tested in the chosen global regions show different results. However, in general, window to wall ratio, optimal window orientation and window type are turned out to be the major influential factors while building plan proportion and insulation type are forming minor group for determining energy performance.
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주거환경, v.11, no.3, pp.73 - 84

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