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Lee, Kwang-Hyung (이광형)
임원, President(총장)
Research Area
Bioinformatics, Fuzzy Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence
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    Network Analysis to Identify the Risk of Epidemic Spreading

    Kim, Kiseong; Yoo, Sunyong; Lee, Sangyeon; et al, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.11, no.7, 2021-04

    Literature mining for context-specific molecular relations using multimodal representations (COMMODAR)

    Lee, Jaehyun; Lee, Doheon; Lee, Kwang Hyung, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, v.21, 2020-10

    The rostroventral part of the thalamic reticular nucleus modulates fear extinction

    Lee, Joon-Hyuk; Latchoumane, Charles-Francois, V; Park, Jungjoon; et al, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.10, no.4637, 2019-10

    Predicting the Absorption Potential of Chemical Compounds through a Deep Learning Approach

    Shin, Moonshik; Jang, Dongjin; Nam, Hojung; et al, IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS, v.15, no.2, pp.432 - 440, 2018-03

    In silico profiling of systemic effects of drugs to predict unexpected interactions

    Yoo, Sunyong; Noh, Kyungrin; Shin, Moonshik; et al, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.8, no.1612, 2018-01

    Coupling effects on turning points of infectious diseases epidemics in scale-free networks

    Kim, Kiseong; Lee, Sangyeon; Lee, Doheon; et al, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, v.18, no.7, 2017-05

    LFP-guided targeting of a cortical barrel column for in vivo two-photon calcium imaging

    Lee, Joon Hyuk; Shin, Hee Sup; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; et al, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.5, 2015-10

    Inference of brain pathway activities for Alzheimer's disease classification

    Lee, Jongan; Kim, Younghoon; Jeong, Yong; et al, BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING, v.15, no.1, 2015-05

    Three dimensional creativity: Three navigations to extend our thoughts

    Lee, Kwang-Hyung, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, v.17, no.2, pp.157 - 160, 2013-03

    Resource allocation and power control scheme for interference avoidance in an LTE-advanced cellular networks with device-to-device communication

    Kim, Tae Sub; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; Ryu, Seung; et al, International Journal of Control and Automation 6(1), v.6, no.1, pp.181 - 190, 2013-02

    과학기술 실패 보도 프레임 연구: 한국과 미국의 초기 우주 발사체를 중심으로

    박은선; 이광형; 김찬석, 한국언론학보, v.56, no.3, pp.213 - 237, 2012-06

    특허사건에 대한 특허심판원의 심판 및 법원의 판결 동향에 관한 통계적 연구

    정종한; 박진하; 이광형, 지식재산연구, v.7, no.2, pp.29 - 73, 2012-06

    Predicting disease phenotypes based on the molecular networks with Condition-Responsive Correlation

    Lee, Se-Joon; Lee, Eun-Jung; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; et al, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DATA MINING AND BIOINFORMATICS, v.5, no.2, pp.131 - 142, 2011-03

    Building the process-drug-side effect network to discover the relationship between biological Processes and side effects

    Lee, Se-Joon; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; Song, Min; et al, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, v.12, 2011-03

    Inference of combinatorial Boolean rules of synergistic gene sets from cancer microarray datasets

    Park, Inho; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; Lee, Doheon, BIOINFORMATICS, v.26, no.12, pp.1506 - 1512, 2010-06

    R-CORE를 통한 베이지안 망 구조 학습의 탐색 공간 분석

    정성원; 이도헌; 이광형, 한국지능시스템학회 논문지, v.18, no.4, pp.572 - 578, 2008-08

    Enabling large-scale Bayesian network learning by preserving intercluster directionality

    Jung, S; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; Lee, Doheon, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, v.E90D, pp.1018 - 1027, 2007-07

    CiNet: GUI based Literature analysis tool using citation information

    이세준; 이광형, BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOSYSTEMS, v.2, no.1, pp.33 - 36, 2007-03

    Density-induced support vector data description

    Lee, K; Kim, DW; Lee, Kwang-Hyung; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, v.18, pp.284 - 289, 2007-01

    Patome: a database server for biological sequence annotation and analysis in issued patents and published patent applications

    Lee, B; Kim, T; Kim, SK; et al, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, v.35, pp.D47 - D50, 2007-01

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