Researcher Page

Cho, Gye-Chun (조계춘)
교수, (건설및환경공학과)
Research Area
Space Evaluation and Supply, Space Regeneration, Energy-related Geomechanics
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    Improvement of granite and concrete cutting efficiency using mixed-abrasives

    Hwang, Hyun-Joong; Cha, Yohan; Oh, Tae-Min; et al, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES, v.185, 2025-01

    Semi-empirical model for abrasive particle velocity prediction in abrasive waterjet based on momentum transfer efficiency

    Hwang, Hyun-Joong; Cha, Yohan; Kang, Seok-Jun; et al, COMPUTATIONAL PARTICLE MECHANICS, v.11, no.6, pp.2701 - 2713, 2024-12

    Effects of salinity on the microscopic interaction and sedimentation behavior of halloysite nanotube

    Kwon, Yeong-Man; Noh, Namgyu; Dae, Kyun Seong; et al, APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, v.260, 2024-11

    딥러닝기반 초해상화 영상 복원을 이용한 콘크리트 균열 탐지의 성능 평가

    김진; 심승보; 안준범; et al, 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집, v.26, no.6, pp.713 - 728, 2024-11

    Effects of soil composition and curing conditions on the strength and durability of Cr3+- crosslinked biopolymer-soil composites

    Bang, Jeong-Uk; Lee, Minhyeong; Park, Dong-Yeup; et al, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v.449, 2024-10

    Numerical analysis of non-uniform segmental lining design effects on large-diameter tunnels in complex multi-layered strata

    Park, Joohyun; Kang, Seok Jun; An, Jun-Beom; et al, GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, v.38, no.6, pp.553 - 569, 2024-09

    Lifespan assessment of piezoelectric sensors under disposal condition of high-level nuclear waste repository

    Park, Changhee; Hwang, Hyun-Joong; Hong, Chang-Ho; et al, GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, v.38, no.5, pp.529 - 539, 2024-09

    Seismic performance of sheet pile walls in liquefiable soil using centrifuge tests and an assessment of nonlinear effective stress analysis using PM4Sand

    Manandhar, Satish; Lee, Seung-Rae; Manzari, Majid T.; et al, SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, v.183, 2024-08

    강관보강그라우팅 주입 조건에 따른 그라우트 확산 범위 평가에 관한 수치해석적 연구

    안준범; 조계춘; 이윤아; et al, 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집, v.26, no.4, pp.345 - 363, 2024-07

    Water-retention properties of xanthan-gum-biopolymer-treated soils

    Chang, Ilhan; Cho, Gye-Chun; Tran, Thi Phuong An, Environmental Geotechnics, v.11, no.2, pp.152 - 163, 2024-04

    Full-scale TBM excavation tests for rock-like materials with different uniaxial compressive strength

    Lee, Gi-Jun; Ryu, Hee-Hwan; Cho, Gye-Chun; et al, GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, v.35, no.5, pp.487 - 497, 2023-12

    결합된 초음파-충격 반향 기법 기반의 일반 지하구 구조체의 건전도 평가에 관한 실험적 연구

    김진; 방정욱; 심승보; et al, 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집, v.25, no.6, pp.479 - 493, 2023-11

    고준위방사성폐기물 처분장 고온 환경 조건에 대한 모니터링용 피에조 센서의 수명 평가

    박창희; 황현중; 홍창호; et al, 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집, v.25, no.6, pp.509 - 523, 2023-11

    Strengthening and permeability control in sand using Cr3+-crosslinked xanthan gum biopolymer treatment

    Lee, Minhyeong; Chang, Ilhan; Park, Dong-Yeup; et al, TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICS, v.43, 2023-11

    Remote robotic system for 3D measurement of concrete damage in tunnel with ground vehicle and manipulator

    Shim, Seungbo; Lee, Seong-Won; Cho, Gye-Chun; et al, COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING, v.38, no.15, pp.2180 - 2201, 2023-10

    Advanced Biopolymer-Based Soil Strengthening Binder with Trivalent Chromium-Xanthan Gum Crosslinking for Wet Strength and Durability Enhancement

    Lee, Minhyeong; Chang, Ilhan; Cho, Gye-Chun, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, v.35, no.10, 2023-10

    Sensitivity analysis of mass ratio effect on settlement and seismic response of shallow foundation using numerical simulation

    Ko, Kil-Wan; Ha, Jeong-Gon; Lee, Jinsun; et al, GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, v.34, no.6, pp.649 - 664, 2023-09

    Xanthan biopolymer-based soil treatment effect on kaolinite clay fabric and structure using XRD analysis

    Kwon, Yeong-Man; Chang, Ilhan; Cho, Gye-Chun, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.13, no.1, 2023-07

    Evaluating the efficacy of recycled garnet abrasives in enhancing hard rock cutting performance of abrasive waterjet systems

    Joo, Gun-Wook; Oh, Tae-Min; Hwang, Hyun-Joong; et al, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES, v.167, 2023-07

    Xanthan gum biopolymer-based soil treatment as a construction material to mitigate internal erosion of earthen embankment: A field-scale

    Kwon, Yeong-Man; Moon, Jun-Ho; Cho, Gye-Chun; et al, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v.389, 2023-07

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