A viscoelastic constitutive model of rubber under small oscillatory load superimposed on large static deformation

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A viscoelastic constitutive equation of rubber that is under small oscillatory load superimposed on large static deformation is proposed. The model is derived through linearization of Simo's nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model and reference configuration transformation. Most importantly, in this model, static deformation correction factor is introduced to consider the influence of pre-strain on the relaxation function. Natural statically predeformed state is served as reference configuration. The proposed constitutive equation is extended to a generalized viscoelastic constitutive equation that includes widely used Morman's model as a special case using objective stress increment. The proposed constitutive model is tested for dynamic behavior of rubber specimens with different carbon black content. It is concluded from the test that the assumption that the effects of static deformation can be separated from time effects, which is the basis of Morman's model, is only applicable to unfilled rubber. The viscoelastic constitutive equation for filled rubber must include, therefore, the influence of the static deformation on the time effects. The suggested constitutive equation with static deformation correction factor shows good agreement with test values.
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ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS, v.71, no.11, pp.748 - 763

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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