Browse "School of Computing(전산학부)" by Title 

Showing results 3561 to 3580 of 16139

DAPIE: Interactive Step-by-Step Explanatory Dialogues to Answer Children's Why and How Questions

Lee, Yoonjoo; Kim, Tae Soo; Kim, Sungdong; Yun, Yohan; Kim, Juho, 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2023, Association for Computing Machinery, 2023-04-26

DARCAS: Dynamic Association Regulator Considering Airtime Over SDN-Enabled Framework

Salman, Muhammad; Son, Jin-Ho; Choi, Dong-Wan; Lee, Uichin; Noh, Youngtae, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, v.9, no.20, pp.20719 - 20732, 2022-10

DART plus : Direction-aware bichromatic reverse k nearest neighbor query processing in spatial databases

Lee, Kyoung-Won; Choi, Dongwan; Chung, Chin-Wan, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, v.43, no.2, pp.349 - 377, 2014-10

DART: An Efficient Method for Direction-aware Bichromatic Reverse k Nearest Neighbor Queries

Lee, Kyoung-Won; Choi, Dong-Wan; Chung, Chin-Wan, The International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases 2013 (SSTD 2013), pp.295 - 311, Springer, 2013-08-21

Dashcam Witness: Video Sharing Motives and Privacy Concerns Across Different Nations

Kim, Joohyun; Park, Sangkeun; Lee, Uichin, IEEE ACCESS, v.8, pp.110425 - 110437, 2020-06

Data Abstractions for Multimedia Composition and Synchronization

Kim, HC; Eun, SB; Yoon, Hyunsoo; Maeng, SeungRyoul, 2nd Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence(PRICAI'92), pp.1079 - 1085, 1992

Data approximation with ignorance of error of measurement in data aggregation of wireless sensor networks = 무선 센서 네트워크 데이터 수집에서의 데이터 근사 및 오차 허용link

Lee, Kang-Wook; 이강욱; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2012

Data augmentation for abusive language detection via back-translation and domain knowledge = 언어폭력 탐지를 위한 데이터 증강: 역번역과 도메인 지식을 활용하여link

Shin, Jisu; Park, Jong C.; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2022

Data augmentation method for improving the accuracy of human pose estimation with cropped images

Park, Soonchan; Lee, Sang-baek; Park, Jinah, PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS, v.136, pp.244 - 250, 2020-08

Data Clustering Methods for Wireless Broadcasting

Lee, J.Y.; Chung, Y.D.; Kim, Myoung Ho, KISS Conference, pp.117 - 120, KISS, 1997

Data collection and quality challenges for deep learning

Whang, Steven Euijong; Lee, Jae-Gil, International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp.3429 - 3432, VLDB Endowment, 2020-09-02

Data Collection and Quality Challenges for Deep Learning

Whang, Steven Euijong; Lee, Jae-Gil, PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT, v.13, no.12, pp.3429 - 3432, 2020-08

Data Collection and Quality Challenges in Deep Learning: A Data-Centric AI Perspective

Whang, Steven Euijong; Roh, Yuji; Song, Hwanjun; Lee, Jae-Gil, VLDB JOURNAL, v.32, no.4, pp.791 - 813, 2023-07

Data Correction For Enhancing Classification Accuracy By Unknown Deep Neural Network Classifiers

Kwon, Hyun; Yoon, Hyunsoo; Choi, Daeseon, KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, v.15, no.9, pp.3243 - 3257, 2021-09

Data Dependency in the Incomplete Relational Model

Cho, Jung Wan, Proc. of ICS'82, 1982

Data distribution and alignment scheme for conflict-free memory access in parallel image processing system

Kim, GY; Baek, Y; Lee, Heung-Kyu, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, v.E81D, no.8, pp.806 - 812, 1998-08

Data Distribution Problems for Multiattribute Range Queries

Kim, Myoung Ho, KISS Confernece, pp.32 - 35, KISS, 1989

Data driven analysis of lithium-ion battery internal resistance towards reliable state of health prediction

Hoque, Mohammad A.; Nurmi, Petteri; Kumar, Arjun; Varjonen, Samu; Song, Junehwa; Pecht, Michael G.; Tarkoma, Sasu, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, v.513, 2021-11

Data fusion of multisensors estimates

Cho Yonggun; Kim, JinHyung; Shin Vladimir Ignat'evich, INFORMATICA (LJUBLJANA), v.22, no.1, pp.75 - 83, 1998-03

Data hiding for clean video contents: robust watermarking for copyright protection and reversible data hiding for error concealment = 클린 비디오 콘텐츠를 위한 데이타 은닉 기법: 저작권 보호를 위한 강인한 워터마킹과 에러 손실 복원을 위한 가역 데이타 은닉link

Oh, Tae-Woo; 오태우; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2012



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