축대칭 3차원 물체의 유동 소음 스펙트럼 측정A measurement of flow noise spectrum of an axisymmetric body

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The pressure fluctuation on the surface of a submerged body has been recognized as a dominant noise source. There have been many studies concerning the flow induced noise on a flat plate. However, the noise over an axisymmetric body has not been well reported. This paper addresses the way in which we have investigated the mechanism of noise generation due to an axisymmetric body. The associated experiments and signal processing methods are introduced. A 3-dimensional axisymmetric body whose length and diameter were 2 m and 10.4 cm, was prepared as a test specimen. The wall pressure on the surface of the body was measured in a large scale low noise wind tunnel at KIMM(Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals). To measure the wall pressure, we used two microphone arrays which were tangential and normal to the flow. Based on the measured signal, frequency-wavenumber spectrum which explains the structure of turbulence noise, was estimated. Tangential to the flow, there exists convective ridge at a relatively higher wavenumber region; this can cause spatial aliasing. To circumvent this problem, the cross spectrum was interpolated. The interpolation has been performed by unwrapping the phase and smoothing the cross spectrum. The phase unwrapping was done based on the Corcos model; the phase of cross spectrum decreases linearly with the distance between microphones. Aforementioned signal processings are possible by employing the experimental results that the estimated wavenumber spectrum quite resembles the Corcos model. We try to modify the Corcos model which is applicable to the flat plate, by altering the magnitude of cross spectrum to fit the experimental data more accurately. We proposed that this wavenumber spectrum model is suitable for the 3-dimensional axisymmetric body. Normal to the flow, there exists a little correlation between signals of different microphones. The circumferential wavenumber spectrum contains uniform power along the wavenumbers.
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대한기계학회논문집 B, v.22, no.6, pp.725 - 733

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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