서어보형 가속도계의 PWM제어Control of Electromagnetic Accelerometer with Digital PWM Techniqu

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Among the various type of accelerometer, the servo rebalancing type accelerometer can be suitable for Inertial Navigation System, because of its high sensitivity and good response in low frequency. In this paper, we proposed a new technology to control inductive type accelerometer utilizing digital PWM method. The new developed digital PWM control has special design scheme for transmitting measurement value to outer device in its servo loop. So it has no quantized error of transforming outputs of sensors to digital domain. The quantized error may make serious problem in INS system, because outputs of sensor are integrated once or twice by digital computer and it happens every sensor reading times. Therefore, in order to get the accurate information such as displacement, it is necessary to measure accurately the input current. In addition, Digital Signal Processing needs digital data transmission, digital PWM method is adaptive for this purpose. We realized a practical circuit for digital PWM control, analyzed the stability of the circuit, and designed the controller etc. In this study, we solved many practical problem for this application, and got out good results.
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한국정밀공학회지, v.13, no.8, pp.112 - 119

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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