A novel autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) for multiple integration in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha DL-1

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Several autonomously replicating sequences of Hansenula polymorpha DL-1 (HARSs) with the characteristics of tandem integration were cloned by an enrichment procedure and analyzed for their functional elements to elucidate the mechanism of multiple integration in tandem repeats. All plasmids harboring newly cloned HARSs showed a high frequency of transformation and were maintained episomally before stabilization, After stabilization, the transforming DNA was stably integrated into the chromosome, HARS36 was selected for its high efficiency of transformation and tendency for integration, Several tandemly repeated copies of the transforming plasmid containing HARS36 (pCE36) integrated into the vicinity of the chromosomal end, Bal31 digestion of the total DNA from the integrants followed hy Southern blotting generated progressive shortening of the hybridization signal, indicating the telomeric localization of the transforming plasmids on the chromosome. The minimum region of HARS36 required for its HARS activity was analyzed by deletion analyses. Three important regions, A, B, and C, for episomal replication and integration were detected, Analysis of the DNA sequences of regions A and B required for the episomal replication revealed that region A contained several AT-rich sequences that showed sequence homology with the ARS core consensus sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Region B contained two directly repeated sequences which were predicted to form a bent DNA structure, Deletion of the AT-rich core in region A resulted in a complete loss of ARS activity, and deletion of the repeated sequences in region B greatly reduced the stability of the transforming plasmid and resulted in retarded cell growth, Region C was required for the facilitated chromosomal integration of transforming plasmids.
Amer Soc Microbiology
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JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, v.178, no.15, pp.4420 - 4428

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