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Results 1-10 of 21 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Nano-Precision Digital-to-Analog Variable Capacitor Using Parallel Digital Actuator Array

Cho, Young-Ho; Han, Won, NANO KOREA 2007, pp.PEL002 -, 2007-08-30

Muscle-inspired micromechanical digital-to-analog variable capacitors using parallel digital actuator array

Han, W; Cho, Young-Ho, International Conference on Information Acquisition, ICIA 2007, pp.221 - 226, 2007-07-09

Bio-Inspired Sensors for Cell Concentration and Deformability Monitoring

Cho, Young-Ho, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition, ICIA 2007, 2007-07-10

Micromechanical active amplifiers using the mechanical resonance modulated by variable stiffness springs

Heo, YJ; Lee, WC; Cho, Young-Ho, 20th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, MEMS 2007, pp.671 - 674, 2007-01-21

High-voltage Liquid-electrolyte Microbatteries Inspired from Electric Eels

Cho, Young-Ho, NANO KOREA 2007, pp.PCH003 -, 2007-08-30

Bio-inspired MEMS devices for electrical cell separation and mechanical cell characterization

Cho, Young-Ho, International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2007, pp.514 - 518, 2007-11-11

Bio-inspired Cell Deformability Monitoring Chips Based on Mechanical Property of Bio-particles

Cho, Young-Ho, NANO KOREA 2006, pp.1263 - 1266, 2007-08-31

Micro/Nano Technology in Korea

Cho, Young-Ho, 13th World Micromachine Summit, 2007-04-26

A Clogging-free Tunable-size Particle Separator Using Virtual Pillar Array

Cho, Young-Ho, NANO KOREA 2007, pp.PBI008 -, 2007-08-30

A Disposable Nano Grating SPR Chip for Multi-channel Biomolecule Detection

Cho, Young-Ho, NANO KOREA 2007, pp.PBI010 -, 2007-08-30

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