Results 1-10 of 82 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Concurrency Control for Workflows Based on Multiple Isolation Levels Lee, Doheon, Proc. of World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics, and Informatics, pp.608 - 612, IIIS, 2000-07 | |
Individual Abort Dependency for Workflow Recovery Lee, Doheon, IIIS, pp.613 - 617, 2001-07 | |
Sequence Prediction for Novel Proteins by Applying Multiple Proteases Lee, Doheon; Lee, Kwang-Hyung, The 10th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB02), pp.133 - 133, 2002-08 | |
Classification of Data Expressed in Different Abstraction Levels Lee, Doheon, ISAIS, pp.17 - 21, 2001-08 | |
Design of an Automated Functional Testing Tool for Workflow Systems Lee, Seongho; Lee, Doheon, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp.603 - 607, 2000 | |
PPINetworkAnalyzer: Revealing the relationships of disease proteins based on network analysis measurements Hwang, Sohyun; Son, Seung-Woo; Kim, Sang Chul; Kim, Young Joo; Jeong, Hawoong; Lee, Doheon, BIOINFO, pp.263 - 266, 2005-09 | |
Techniques for Reverse Engineering BioSystems Lee, Doheon, NAIS, pp.0 - 0, 2005-06 | |
System Bioinformatics(Invited Talk) Lee, Doheon, APEC High Level Policy Dialogue Meeting, 2005 | |
Immune-Based Framework for Exploratory Bio-Information Retrieval from the Semantic Web Lee, Doheon; Kim, Jungja; Jung, Mina; Won, Yonggwan; Park, Seon Hee; Lee, Kwang-Hyung, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.128 - 135, 2003 | |
Parallel Bayesian network learning for inferring gene regulatory networks Lee, Doheon; YoungHoon Kim, Int'l Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.331 - 334, 2005-09-01 |