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Results 51-60 of 156 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
The chaotic netlet map

Lee, Geehyuk; Yi, Gwan-Su, 4th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2007, no.PART 2, pp.104 - 112, 2007-06-03

System-level investigations into the functional role of RKIP in the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK signal transduction pathway

Shin, SY; Choo, SM; Kolch, W; Cho, Kwang-Hyun, 8th Int. Conf. on Systems Biology (ICSB2007), pp.48 - 48, 2007-10-01

A Clogging-free Tunable-size Particle Separator Using Virtual Pillar Array

Cho, Young-Ho, NANO KOREA 2007, pp.PBI008 -, 2007-08-30

A Disposable Nano Grating SPR Chip for Multi-channel Biomolecule Detection

Cho, Young-Ho, NANO KOREA 2007, pp.PBI010 -, 2007-08-30

High-accuracy digital-to-analog actuators using parallel spring array

Han, W; Cho, Young-Ho, 2007 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, OMENS, pp.53 - 54, 2007-08-12

Neural Correlates of Animal Preference

Jeong, Jaeseung; Song, Minryung; Kim, Seungyeon, Korean Brain Society, 2007

Nonlinear Dynamics underlying Slow Oscillation in Dopamine Neurons of the Ventral Tegmental Area

Sohn, Hansem; Shi, Wei-Xing; Peterson, BS; Jeong, Jaeseung, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE), 2007-02-22

Gamma oscillation and Tourette's disorder

Jeong, Jaeseung; Hong, Hyun Ju; Cha, Minho; Sohn, Hansaem; Choi, Kang; Whang, Sun Hee, World Psychiatric Association (Regional Meeting), 2007

Hydrophoresis: a new -phoretic method for high-resolution particle separation

Choi, Sungyoung; Park, Je-Kyun, 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers'07), pp.1769 - 1772, 2007-06

Hydrophoretic platform for microfluidic lab-on-a-chip applications

Park, Je-Kyun; Choi, Sungyoung, IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition (ICIA 2007), pp.0 - 0, 2007-07

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