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Results 1-10 of 380 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Simple flow control in paper and PDMS for microfluidic point-of-care applications

Park, Je-Kyun, 3rd NYU Biomedical and Biosystems Conference, New York University Abu Dhabi Institute, 2020-01-13

Long-range horizontal connectivity in mammalian visual cortex for balancing performance and cost.

Paik, Se-Bum; Park, Youngjin; Baek, Seungdae, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2020, Cosyne, 2020-02-28

Face-selective neurons arise spontaneously in untrained deep neural networks

Song, Min; Baek, Seungdae; Jang, Jaeson; Gwangsu, Kim; Paik, Se-Bum, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Organization for Computational Neurosciences, 2020-07-19

Simulation of temperature for photothermal neuronal stimulation on the gold-nanorods coated MEAs chip

안유진; 남윤기, 2020 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회, (사)한국바이오칩학회, 2020-07-09

Number-selective units can spontaneously arise in untrained deep neural networks

Jang, Jaeson; Kim, Gwangsu; Baek, Seungdae; Song, Min; Paik, Se-Bum, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Organization for Computational Neurosciences, 2020-07-19

Rhythmic eye movement predicts active perception of ambiguous visual stimulus

CHOI, WOOCHUL; Lee, Hyeonsu; Paik, Se-Bum, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Organization for Computational Neurosciences, 2020-07-19

A model for unsupervised object categorization in infants

Lee, Sunho; Park, Youngjin; Paik, Se-Bum, 29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Organization for Computational Neurosciences, 2020-07-20

Dynamic resource allocation during reinforcement learning accounts for ramping and phasic dopamine activity

Song, Minryung; Lee, Sang Wan, Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE), COSYNE, 2020-02-29

Deep Interaction between Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Human Reinforcement Learning

신재훈; 이지항; 이상완, 한국인공지능학회 하계학술대회, 한국인공지능학회, 2020-08

Midbrain dopamine activity during reinforcement learning reflects bias-variance tradeoff

송민령; 이상완, 한국인공지능학회 하계학술대회, 한국인공지능학회, 2020-08

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