Showing results 983 to 1042 of 3454
Early detection of Alzheimer's disease based on dynamical nonstationarity Jeong, Jaeseung, The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare (CIMED'07), 2007 |
Earphone-shaped EEG instrument for real-time brain state monitoring Jeong, Dong-Hwa; Jeong, Jaeseung; Chae, Yonguk; Choi, Heonyeong, 2017 1st Human Brain Project Student Conference, Human Brain Project Education Programme Office, 2017-02-10 |
Easy-to-use microfluidic immunohistochemistry platform 김세기; Kwon, Seyong; Cho, Chang Hyun; Park, Je-Kyun, 한국바이오칩학회 2016 추계학술발표회, 한국바이오칩학회, 2016-10-27 |
Eddy Currents in MT Asymmetry Imaging with Alternate Ascending/Descending Directional Navigation (ALADDIN) Park, Sung-Hong; Zhao, Tiejun; Kim, Jung-Hwan; Boada, Fernando E.; Bae, Kyongtae Ty, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2012, v.20, pp.4161 -, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2012-05-07 |
Educational Nanobio Kit for Nanobiophotonic Experiment at College Level : A Low Cost and Simple Plasmonic Paper Strip 유은실; 정기훈, Annual Biophotonics Conference 2018, (사)한국광학회, 2018-10-27 |
EEG and Chaos Kim, Soo Yong; Bae, BH; Choi, JM; Jeong, Jaeseung; Kim, HC, Korean Association of Psychiatry and Physiology for Sleep, 1996 |
EEG classification of mild and severe Alzheimer's disease using parallel factor analysis method: PARAFAC decomposition of spectral-spatial characteristics of EEG time series Latchoumane, CFV; Vialatte, FB; Jeong, Jaeseung; Cichock, IA, pp.705 - 715, 2009 |
EEG Source Localization during Empathy of Iconic and Realistic Cartoon Characters Jeong Jaeseung; Choi Yeojeong; Kim Takhwan, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2008-06 |
EEG synchrony analysis for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: A study with several synchrony measures and EEG data sets Dauwels, J; Vialatte, F; Latchoumane, C; Jeong, Jaeseung; Cichocki, A, 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009, pp.2224 - 2227, 2009-09-02 |
EEG synchrony patterns of autism spectrum disorder 임지은; 김동재; 이상완, 2017 대한뇌기능매핑학회 추계학술대회, 대한뇌기능매핑학회, 2017-11-03 |
EEG 파형으로부터 오른손동작과 왼손동작을 분류 김도연; 황민철; 이광형, 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회, 대한인간공학회, 1997 |
EEG-based classification of learning strategies : model-based and model-free reinforcement learning Kim, DJ; Weston, C; Lee, Sang Wan, The 6th international winter conference on Brain-computer interface (IEEE BCI 2018), pp.146 - 148, IEEE, 2018-01 |
Effect of Bicuculline on the spontaneous and evoked activity of patterned embryonic hippocampal neurons cultured in vitro Khatami, D.; NAM, YOONKEY; Wheeler, B. C.; Brewer, G., The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, IEEE EMBS, 2004-09-01 |
Effect of depression on prefrontal meta-control of model-based and model-free reinforcement learning 성윤도; 허수연; 이상완, 2018년도 대한뇌기능매핑학회 추계학술대회, 대한뇌기능매핑학회, 2018-11-02 |
Effect of EGF on network spiking activity from cultured hippocampal neurons Kim, Daejeong; Lee, Jee Woong; Nam, Yoonkey, 2016 BMES Annual Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2016-10-06 |
Effect of endothelial glycocalyx disruption on blood=brain barrier integrity in mice Yoon, Jin Hui; Lee, Eeksung; Jeong, Yong, 27th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function & 12th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2015-06-28 |
Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor on the Network Spiking Activity in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons Kim, Daejeong; Lee, Jee Woong; Nam, Yoonkey, 10th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, 2016, Effect of EGF on network spiking activity from cultured hippocampal neurons, 2016-06-29 |
Effect of HDAC inhibitor-mediated downregulation of Trx I on vascular smooth muscle cells Choi, Chulhee; Song, S; Han, YH, 32nd FEBS Congress, 2007 |
Effect of holes and edges on the squeeze film damping of perforated micromechanical structures Kim, Eung-Sam; Cho, Young-Ho; Kim, Moon-Uhn, 12th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, MEMS, pp.296 - 301, IEEE, 1999-01-17 |
Effect of Hyaluronic aicd (HA)-environmnet on monocyte/macrophage polarity Kim, H; Cha, J; 김필남, 2018 한국생체재료학회 춘계학술대회, 한국생체재료학회, 2018-03-30 |
Effect of intrathecally administered glutamate, substance P and substance P antagonist on experimental neuropathic pain model in adult rat Jeong, Yong; Baik, EJ; Park, SC; Moon, CH; Paik, KS, Korean J Physiol, Korean J Physiol, 1994 |
Effect of laser power density and pulse width on neural inhibition for gold-nanorod mediated photothermal stimulation Jung, Hyunjun; Yoo, Sang Jin; Nam, Yoonkey, 10th Int. Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tuebingen, 2016-06-30 |
Effect of matrix stiffness on gastric cancer behaviors 장민정; 김필남; 정재호, 2017년 한국생체재료학회 춘계학술대회, Korean Society for Biomaterials, 2017-03-31 |
Effect of NIR laser pulse width on gold-nanorod mediated photothermal neural inhibition Jung, Hyun Jun; Yoo, Sang Jin; Nam, Yoon key, BMES Annual Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2015-10-08 |
Effect of rTMS on Broca’s area on verbal memory performance Lee, Young Beom; Park, DH; Jeong, Yong, The 15th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science, The Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science, 2012-09 |
Effect of the PEG or PMMA micro-patterned surface roughness on bacterial adhesion Kim, Pilnam, 2nd ASM-IEEE EMBS Conference on Bio-,Micro-and Nanosystems, IEEE, 2006-01 |
Effective application of multiple overlapping thin-slab acquisition and magnetization transfer contrast pulse to compatible dual-echo arteriovenography (CODEA) Park, Sung-Hong; Moon, Chan-Hong; Bae, Kyongtae Ty, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2009, v.17, pp.1863 -, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009-04-20 |
Effective Maintenance of Cell Microenvironment for Long-term Neuronal Culture in Nano-Liter Scale Microfluidic Channels Goyal, G; NAM, YOONKEY, The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2009), μTAS, 2009-11-01 |
Effective protocol for long-term neuronal cultures in microfluidic channel devices Goyal, G.; NAM, YOONKEY, BMES 2009 Annual Fall Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2009-10-07 |
Effects of Acute Alcohol Consumption on Complexity and Functional Connectivity of EEGs in Healthy Subjects Jeong Jaeseung; Kim Seongkyun; Kim Dai-Jin, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2008-06 |
Effects of iontophoretically applied strychnine, picrotoxin and naloxone on dorsalhorn cells treated by high frequency conditioning stimulation in cats. Jeong, Yong; Baik, EJ; Nam, TS; Paik, KS., Korean Neurobiology Society, Korean Neurobiology Society, 1992-05 |
Effects of long-term levodopa therapy on depression in Parkinson’s disease Choi, Chulhee; Sohn, YH; Kim, JS, 11th International Conferences on Parkinson’s Disease, 1997 |
Effects of NRM stimulation on acute renal pain in the cat Baik, EJ; Jeong, Yong; Kim, WK; Nam, TS; Paik, KS, Korean Neurobiology Society, 1993 |
Effects of TENS in an experimental neuropathic pain model in rat Jeong, Yong; Baik, EJ; Hur, CR; Paik, KS, Korean J Physiol, Korean J Physiol, 1993 |
Effects of the vanadate on vascular contractility and membrane potential Jeong, Yong; Ahn, DS; Jung, SM; Seok, HS; Kang, BS, Korean J Physiol, Korean J Physiol, 1991-05 |
Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Lyapunov exponents of the Waking EEG Hong, SC; Jeong, Jaeseung; Kim, DJ; Go, HJ; Kim, Soo Yong, Associated Professional Sleep Societies 12th Annual Meeting, pp.12 -, 1998 |
Effects of total sleep deprivation on the cognitive function in the normal adult male subject Kim, Dai-Jin; Lee, Heung Pyo; Go, Hyo Jin; Kim, Soo Yong; Lee, Sung Phil; Jeong, Jaeseung, Associated Professional Sleep Societies 13th Annual Meeting, 1999 |
Effects of transcutaneous electrical stimulation on acute renal pain in the cat Jeong, Yong; Shin, YW; Baik, EJ; Nam, TS; Paik, KS, Korean J Physiol, Korean J Physiol, 1992 |
Efficient algorithms for Bayesian optical diffusion imaging Ye, Jong Chul; Millane, RP; Bouman, CA; Webb, KJ, in Proc. Image and Vison computing New Zealand1999, pp.223 - 228, 1999 |
Efficient Condition Evaluation for Multiple Triggers Yang, WS; Lee, Doheon; Kim, Myoung Ho; Lee, Yoon Joon, KISS Conference, pp.31 - 34, KISS, 1995 |
Efficient mining of frequent subgraph with connectivity constraint Lee, Doheon; Lee, Kwang-Hyung, BIOINFO 2005, pp.267 - 271, 2005 |
Electrical and Fluidic Characterization of Microfluidic Bench Fabricated Using UV-Curable Polymer Cho, Young-Ho, 13th Inter. Conf. on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2009), pp.153 - 155, 2009-11-02 |
Electrical recordings with gold coated microelectrode arrays that permit the control of neuronal attachment NAM, YOONKEY; Wheeler, B.C.; Brewer, G. J., The Second Joint EMBS / BMES Conference, 2002 |
Electrical stimulation of patterned neuronal networks in vitro NAM, YOONKEY; Khatami, David; Wheeler, Bruce; Brewer, Gregory, The 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2003, IEEE, 2003-09 |
Electro-thermal MEMS Fiber Scanner foe Endomicroscopic Scanning Optical Fiber 서영현; 박현철; 정기훈, 한국광학회 2014년도 하계학술발표회, (사)한국광학회, 2014-08-27 |
Electrochemical Deposition of Polydopamine Films 강경태; 남윤기; Choi, Insung S., 대한화학회 춘계학술대회, 대한화학회, 2011-04-29 |
Electrochemical Deposition of Polydopamine Films 김래영; 이석영; 남윤기, 한국뇌신경과학회 추계학술대회, 한국뇌신경과학회, 2011-09-19 |
Electrochemical immunoassay in microfluidic channel Jang, Yoonhee; Park, Je-Kyun; Oh, Se Young, APBioChEC'05, pp.0 - 0, 2005-05 |
Electrochemical Impedance Measurement of HepG2 Cultured in Microfabricated Cell Chip Yeon, Ju Hun; Park, Je-Kyun, 2004 Annual Meeting & International Symposium of The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2004-06 |
Electrochemical patterning of cell repulsive and adhesive proteins for patterned neural cultures Kim, J; Jung, S; NAM, YOONKEY; Kim, S, BMES 2007 Annual Fall Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2007-09-26 |
Electrochemical Properties of Suprastructures Galvanically Coupled to Titanium Implant Park, Ji-Ho; Oh, K.T.; Kim, M.H.; Choi, B.G.; Kim, K.N., Annual Meeting of the Academy of Dental Materials, 2002-10 |
Electrochemiluminescence-based DNA Chip Park, Je-Kyun; Yun, Kyusik; Lee, Won-Yong, 대한화학회 춘계학술발표회, 2002-04 |
Electrochemiluminescent detection for DNA hybridization using an intercalator Lee, Jeong-Gun; Yun, Kyusik; Lee, Sang Eun; Kim, Suhyeon; Park, Je-Kyun, 222nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, 2001-08 |
Electrochemiluminescent detection of nucleic acid hybridization using an intercalator Lee, Sang Eun; Yun, Kyusik; Lee, Jeong-Gun; Kim, Suhyeon; Lim, Guei-Sam; Park, Je-Kyun, 7th World Congress on Biosensors (Biosensors 2002), 2002-05 |
Electrokinetic characterization of surface-modified PDMS microchannel for biosensor application Jo, Seong-Sik; Park, Je-Kyun, International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference 2007, 2007-06 |
Electrokinetic preconcentration for highly intense SERS using glass nanopillar arrays M. Park; Y.-J. Oh; 정기훈, 한국바이오칩학회 2012 추계학술발표대회, (사)한국바이오칩학회, 2012-10-18 |
Electrokinetic streaming potential detection in a microchannel Jo, Seong-Sik; Park, Je-Kyun, 2006년도 한국센서학회 종합학술대회, pp.116 - 119, 2006-11 |
Electromagnetic flapping shutters for phone camera applications Choi, HY; Han, W; Cho, Young-Ho, 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, MEMS 2010, pp.11 - 14, 2010-01-24 |
Electromagnetic squeezing microactuators using laterally-driven flexible copper strip Kang, TG; Cho, Young-Ho; Baek, OH; Moon, JH, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2002, pp.225 - 228, 2002-11-17 |
Electromagnetic Squeezing Microactuators Using Laterally-Driven Flexible Copper Strips Cho, Young-Ho; Kang, Tae Goo; Han, Won; Baek, OH; Moon, JH, Power MEMS 2004-Fourth Inter. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, pp.22 - 25, 2004-11-29 |