Nam, Sangjun; Kwon, Youngsun, TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, v.48, no.7, 2024-08
Oh, Junho; Kim, Ye Kang; Park, Guihyun; Lee, Sujin, DEVIANT BEHAVIOR, v.45, no.8, pp.1155 - 1169, 2024-08
Kang, Dongin; Choung, Jae-Yong, INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, v.31, no.6, 2024-07
Lee, Kyootai; Jung, Hyun Ju, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, v.21, pp.e00463, 2024-06
Valenzuela, Ana; Puntoni, Stefano; Hoffman, Donna; Castelo, Noah; De Freitas, Julian; Dietvorst, Berkeley; Hildebrand, Christian; Huh, Young Eun; Meyer, Robert; Sweeney, Miriam E.; Talaifar, Sanaz; Tomaino, Geoff; Wertenbroch, Klaus, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, pp.000 - 000, 2024-05
Hong, Jinki; LEE, RAEHYUNG; Ohm, Jay Young; Lee, Duk Hee, SOCIOLOGY COMPASS, v.18, no.5, 2024-05
Kim, Hyunsoo; Jung, Hyun Ju; Lee, Chul Ho, PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, v.33, no.5, pp.1155 - 1175, 2024-05
Kim, Kevin H.; Nash, Jonathan; Park, Jonghan, EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, v.33, no.3, pp.901 - 928, 2024-05
Kim, Jieun; Kim, Zhunwoo; Lee, Duk Hee, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN ENERGY, v.21, no.6, pp.1210 - 1225, 2024-05
Son, Soo Chang; Zo, Hangjung; Jeong, Myeongki; Steinberger, Tom, ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, v.32, no.2, pp.274 - 296, 2024-05
Understanding malicious behaviors on digital platforms Kim, Seongcheol; Kim, Dam Hee; Nam, Changi; Park, Ahran, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v.15, 2024-03 |
Thermal comfort and retail sales: A big data analysis of extreme temperature's impact on brick-and-mortar stores Yoo, Jonghyun; Eom, Jiyong; Zhou, Yuyu, JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES, v.77, 2024-03 |
UNPACKING the IMPACT of GRATITUDE on UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR Oh, Junho; Kim, Ye Kang; Park, Guihyun; Lee, Sujin, DEVIANT BEHAVIOR, v.45, no.8, pp.1155 - 1169, 2024-08 |
Prediction of the emergence of solid-state battery technology in the post-lithium ion battery era: a patent-based approach Kim, Jieun; Kim, Zhunwoo; Lee, Duk Hee, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN ENERGY, v.21, no.6, pp.1210 - 1225, 2024-05 |
Open innovation strategy and performance of SMEs in the IT industry located in Korea's innovation clusters: the role of government subsidies Son, Soo Chang; Zo, Hangjung; Jeong, Myeongki; Steinberger, Tom, ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, v.32, no.2, pp.274 - 296, 2024-05 |
Product Recalls and Audit Production Kim, Kevin H.; Nash, Jonathan; Park, Jonghan, EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, v.33, no.3, pp.901 - 928, 2024-05 |
How do changing institutional logics affect innovation? The cases of Online Electric Vehicle and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle in Korea Kang, Dongin; Choung, Jae-Yong, INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, v.31, no.6, 2024-07 |
Is pay-or-consent for privacy justifiable? Evidence from different users' privacy attitudes toward behavioral data collection in South Korea Nam, Sangjun; Kwon, Youngsun, TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, v.48, no.7, 2024-08 |
Do external risk factors increase or decrease country-level R&D efficiency: focused on air pollution and job insecurity? Yoon, Sangpil; Chung, Yanghon; Han, Seunghun; Woo, Chungwon, TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, v.36, no.3, pp.472 - 485, 2024-03 |
The strength of a weak tie in the innovative performance of firms: A case of Korean high-tech manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises Hong, Jinki; LEE, RAEHYUNG; Ohm, Jay Young; Lee, Duk Hee, SOCIOLOGY COMPASS, v.18, no.5, 2024-05 |
Home country uncertainty and cash holdings: Evidence from multinational subsidiaries in South Korea Kang, Youngho; Kim, Ryoonhee, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, v.141, 2024-03 |
The effects of knowledge network characteristics on R&D alliance formation Kang, Inje; Seo, Eunyeong; Lee, Duk Hee, TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2024-03 |
Carbon Emissions and the Search for Renewable Energy Technology: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Firms' Environmental Responsibility Kim, Hyunsoo; Jung, Hyun Ju; Lee, Chul Ho, PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, v.33, no.5, pp.1155 - 1175, 2024-05 |
What makes universities build academic spin-offs more successfully? A theory-based triangulation of quantitative studies based on meta-analyses Lee, Kyootai; Jung, Hyun Ju, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, v.21, pp.e00463, 2024-06 |
Boundary-spanning technology search, product component reuse, and new product innovation: Evidence from the smartphone industry Lee, Kyung Yul; Jung, Hyun Ju; Kwon, Youngsun, RESEARCH POLICY, v.53, no.4, 2024-05 |
How Artificial Intelligence Constrains the Human Experience Valenzuela, Ana; Puntoni, Stefano; Hoffman, Donna; Castelo, Noah; De Freitas, Julian; Dietvorst, Berkeley; Hildebrand, Christian; et al, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, pp.000 - 000, 2024-05 |
Intergenerational Effects of Lay Beliefs: How Parents’ Unhealthy = Tasty Intuition Influences Their Children’s Food Consumption and Body Mass Index Briers, Barbara; Huh, Young Eun; Chan, Elaine; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, v.50, no.6, pp.1074 - 1096, 2024-03 |
A Note on a Moment Inequality Jeong, Seungwon (Eugene), B E JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, v.24, no.1, pp.435 - 440, 2024-01 |
The groupwise-pivotal referral auction: Core-selecting referral strategy-proof mechanism Jeong, Seungwon (Eugene); Lee, Joosung, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, v.143, pp.191 - 203, 2024-01 |
Configurational paths for SMEs' innovation: focusing on information resources, absorptive capacity, and government support Park, Youngwook; Chung, Yanghon; Son, Hosung, TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, v.36, no.2, pp.252 - 265, 2024-02 |