Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
Demand for number portability in the Korean telecommunications market: Contingent valuation approach Park, Myeong-Cheol; Kim, Dan J.; Lee, Sang-Woo, JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, v.15, no.1, pp.43 - 67, 2007-01 | |
Double marginalization problems: evidence from the Korean fixed-to-mobile service market Park, MyeongCheol; Lee, SW, TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, v.26, pp.607 - 621, 2002-12 | |
Mobile handset subsidy policy in Korea: historical analysis and evaluation Kim, HJ; Byun, SK; Park, MyeongCheol, TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, v.28, no.1, pp.23 - 42, 2004-02 |