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Results 1-10 of 595 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

NO Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date)
Imitation Learning-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Planning for Multitarget Reconnaissance Under Uncertainty

Choi, Uihwan; Ahn, Jaemyung, JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, v.17, no.1, pp.36 - 50, 2020-01

Nonlinear Autopilot Design for Endo- and Exo-Atmospheric Interceptor with Thrust-Vector-Control

Hong, Ju-Hyeon; Lee, Chang-Hun, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, v.56, no.1, pp.796 - 810, 2020-02

Mutual synchronization of two flame-driven thermoacoustic oscillators: Dissipative and time-delayed coupling effects

Moon, Kihun; Guan, Yu; Li, Larry K. B.; Kim, Kyu Tae, CHAOS, v.30, no.2, 2020-02

Instantaneous Impact Point Guidance Considering Uncertainty in Engine Cut-off Time

Jo, Byeong-Un; Ahn, Jaemyung; Roh, Woong-Rae, JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, v.43, no.2, pp.373 - 382, 2020-02

Design and Simulation of a High-Speed Star Tracker for Direct Optical Feedback Control in ADCS

Marin, Mikael; Bang, Hyochoong, SENSORS, v.20, no.8, pp.2388, 2020-04

Combustion dynamics of lean fully-premixed hydrogen-air flames in a mesoscale multinozzle array

Lee, Taesong; Kim, Kyu Tae, COMBUSTION AND FLAME, v.218, no.8, pp.234 - 246, 2020-08

Deep Neural Network-Based Landmark Selection Method for Optical Navigation on Lunar Highlands

Lee, Hoonhee; Choi, Han-Lim; Jung, Dawoon; Choi, Sujin, IEEE ACCESS, v.8, pp.99010 - 99023, 2020-05

Reflection Loss Field Visualization of Curved RAS based on Scanning Free-space Measurement and Curvature Compensation using Perfect Electric Conductor

Son, Dae-Sung; Hyun, Jong-Min; Lee, Jung-Ryul, MEASUREMENT, v.153, 2020-03

Distributed Cooperative Guidance for Multivehicle Simultaneous Arrival Without Numerical Singularities

Li, Kang; Wang, Jianan; Lee, Chang-Hun; Zhou, Rui; Zhao, Shiyu, JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, v.43, no.7, pp.1365 - 1373, 2020-07

Investigation on microwave absorption characteristics of conductive-coated honeycomb absorber

Choi, Jae-Hun; Jang, Min-Su; Jang, WooHyeok; Kim, Chun-Gon, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, v.242, 2020-06

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