Results 1-10 of 26 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
NO | Title, Author(s) (Publication Title, Volume Issue, Page, Issue Date) |
The Improvement of Spin-offs of National Nuclear R&D Activities in Korea Bae, Zong-Tae, BNES/BNIF Nuclear Congress 1997 Conference, BNES/BNIF, 1997 | |
Intelligent Campus for Future Education and Research Park, Sung Joo, Electronics, Information and Systems Society, I.E.E. of Japan, pp.1 - 12, 1997 | |
Family Succession and Diversification: A New Agency Problem in Diversification Lee, Ji-Hwan, 1999 Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, pp.0 - 0, International Conference on System Sciences, 1997-07 | |
Innovation and Industry Bifurcation: The emegence of strategic groups Je Ho Lee, The International Conference on Complex Systems, 1997 | |
Genesis of strategic groups: An evolutionary perspective Je Ho Lee, Stanford Strategic Management Conference, 1997 | |
Technology Management and Education and Training in Korea Rhee, Seung-Kyu, Consultative Meeting for Evolving a Practical Technology Management Curriculum and Training Programme for Developing Countries in the ESCAP Region, 1997 | |
Strategic Role of Multichannel Distribution SangYong Kim, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, 1997 | |
제품의 품질과 가치: 마케팅적 접근 김상용, 한국상품학회 춘계학술발표회, pp.25 - 41, 1997 | |
이공계 대학교수의 연구생산성 영향요인에 관한 연구 류희숙; 배종태, 기술경영경제학회 제 10회 동계 학술발표회, pp.77 - 98, 기술경영경제학회, 1997-12 | |
데이타베이스 시스템에서 기밀성/무결성/가용성 획득을 위한 동시성 제어기법:CC/CIA 문송천; 손용락, 한국통신학회 학술대회, pp.457 - 461, 한국통신학회, 1997-01 |