Priority based peer-set management for bittorrent우선순위를 기반한 비트토랜토 피어들의 그룹 관리

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Nowadays, the popularization of personal computer gives an incentive for providing de-centralized file distribution services for end-hosts users on the Internet. Upon this service environment, many peer-to-peer applications or proto-cols have been appeared. Among P2P protocols, however, bitTorrent only lives through present because of its popularity and performance [17]. Even though strength of bitTorrent, however, it has some points passed over and limitations when we consider QoS sensitivity environment such as payment P2P environment with bitTorrent protocol. In this paper, we found which factors are passed over. To extract the un-known information, we make two assumptions; Priority Peers Set (PPS) and Two-Depth Relationship (TDR) and validate it. The characteristic of de-centralized peer-to-peer environment is that there is no notify or alert before the disconnection. All these freely connect and disconnect event gives damage to the ser-vice consumer (client), if peer in PPS is disconnected or failure. TDR activates to support re-source power of bi-directional neighbors. In our research, peers of PPS are only 10% of all bitTorrent network peers. And those 10% peers perform approximately 70% work for the file transferring. It means PPS for each peer and client should be maintained. Especially, if one peer in PPS is disconnected, client got a more big damage than normal peer``s disconnection. To prevent this damage, TDR and updating a PPS work are activated. Maintaining a PPS, covering a disconnection event by using TDR, and its scenario are mentioned each chapter, each section. In a result part, we can get better service performance when we use TDR. Approximately 10% of performance increase. It is a best case that all peers in PPS are joined until the downloading finish, but the second best has a 10% upper performance than without any action.
Han, Dong-Sooresearcher한동수researcher
한국정보통신대학교 : 공학부,
Issue Date
392854/225023 / 020054608

학위논문(석사) - 한국정보통신대학교 : 공학부, 2007.8, [ vi, 62 p. ]

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School of Engineering-Theses_Master(공학부 석사논문)
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