The transition strategy for traditional telecommunications carriers in internet service market인터넷서비스시장에서 전통적 통신사업자의 전이전략

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According to the digital technologies have been developing rapidly, it is hard to classify the contents types precisely. The collapse of boundary among information types makes information be complex, and this complex information referred multimedia. Internet is the most fast spread media, basis of this fact Internet business is a lot rapidly spread in overall industrial such as attribution, bank, trade, auction, entertainment, delivery , and so on. So, NSP(Network Service Provider) is necessary very much, for their networks which are the basis of Internet business KT(Korea Telecom), supreme telecommunications carrier in traditional business based on voice, have hard time recently in which their profit base is weaken and to make matters worse that they have no competitive advantage in Internet business market. In spite of their trial to conquer lots of troubles, their strategy is improper relative to competitor of which small size make them flexible and effective in Internet service market. So this research purpose is that suggesting the optimal strategy for traditional carrier as an NSP to be survival and sustainability. In this paper, new concept of Internet service market is set up based on the study on previous Internet service market, and division system of ISM is reclassified by strategic evaluated criteria, and then strategies based on environmental analysis is drawn out for traditional service providers. Finally, various methods of statistical analysis are used to set traditional service providers`` transition strategies in Internet service market. This paper that including above contents suggests the transition strategy of tranditional service providers through experimental analysis. These experimental analysis. These experimental analyses are able to hold up objectivity of research methods, and suggest multi-points of view. The implications of this paper are suggesting transitional strategy through exact analysis of telecommunication and suggesting...
Lee, Myeong-Ho이명호
한국정보통신대학원대학교 : 경영학부,
Issue Date
392023/225023 / 000993875

학위논문(석사) - 한국정보통신대학원대학교 : 경영학부, 2001, [ viii, 87 p. ]


Traditional Telecommunications Carriers; 인터넷서비스 시장; Internet Service Market; 전통적 통신사업자

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School of Management-Theses_Master(경영학부 석사논문)
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