(A) network model for manpower planning in large organizations대 기관의 인력 기획을 위한 넷트워크 모델

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For a large organization such as a military service which can foresee future growths in its manpower requirements, a systematic tool that can provide analysis of its present manpower structure and policies in terms of meeting the future requirements, is in order today. This thesis proposes a network model for such a purpose. The ROK Navy officer corps manpower system is studied and formulated as a network model, which may be expressed as a linear programming problem of minimizing total cost. The model established a concept of cost as an opportunity cost, which is the portion of effectiveness contribution foregone by assigning an officer to a specific flow. Implications of are flow constraints are discussed. This network problem can be efficiently solved by the out-ofkilter algorithm developed by Ford and Fulkerson. This algorithm is implemented as a FORTRAN program and utilized as a solution procedure of the manpower network. The program incorporates a list structure scheme in order to carry out the labeling procedure efficiently. Methods of formulating various network problems so as to be solved by the out-of-kilter algorithm are explored. A case study is conducted with a set of hypothetical data on a possible Navy manpower problem of studying the impacts of the present structure of combat-line specialty and of existing manpower policies and trends, on future manpower requirements. Special emphasis is put on control of personnel loss for the purpose of ensuring full satisfaction of the requirements. The case study problem is solved by using the computerized out-of-kilter procedure and a set of optimum flows is obtained. The results show that the proposed model can be effectively used for similar manpower problems of any large organization.
Hwang, Harkresearcher황학researcher
한국과학기술원 : 산업공학과,
Issue Date
62035/325007 / 000741125

학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 산업공학과, 1976.2, [ 1책(면수복잡) ]

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