(The) role of design in the integration of service-product systems : with cases on public bike rental systems서비스-제품 통합에서 디자인의 역할에 관한 연구 : 공용 자전거 대여 시스템 사례를 중심으로

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In continued efforts to provide users with fuller experiences, one major trend is the blending of products and services. From extensive critical literature study with relevant cases, broadly, two major approaches seem to exist in this area: 1. PS (Product-to-Service), 2. SP (Service-to-Product). The former generally indicates adding more services to existing products, whereas the latter generally refers to making services tangible and/or visible in the form of a product. However, one important deficiency in dealing with service issues around the product was found: the ‘integration’ between the actual product design and service elements for supporting a new service-product system. That is the rationale behind this research, an attempt to investigate the possibility for the integration of product design and service factors which can be embedded in the design of the product itself in a new service-product system. This research attempts to identify the relationship between service and product in two different approaches, viz. PS (Product-to-Service) and SP (Service-to-Product). Furthermore, it aims to establish the role of design in the integration of service and product, and to suggest the Design-led Service-Product (DLSP) model as guidance for a new service-product system development. From the five critical case studies on public bike rental systems, this research identified various features consisting of the service-product system and the role of design regarding each feature to support the DLSP model. The DLSP model refers to the integration of a core service and specially developed products for the system. In DLSP, design is an essential tool rather than a promotional or supplemental element. Therefore, it can be utilised as a basis of a new service-product system development process.
Nam, Ki-Youngresearcher남기영researcher
한국과학기술원 : 산업디자인학과,
Issue Date
308653/325007  / 020073510

학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 산업디자인학과, 2009.2, [ x, 77 p. ]


product; service; design; integration; public bicycle rental system; 제품; 서비스; 디자인; 통합; 공용 자전거 대여 시스템; product; service; design; integration; public bicycle rental system; 제품; 서비스; 디자인; 통합; 공용 자전거 대여 시스템

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