Stereo matching based on under- and over-segmentation, and occlusion handling저분할과 과분할 및 폐색의 처리를 이용한 스테레오 정합

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The aim of stereo matching is to compute the depth information from which the geometric information of a scene can be obtained to reconstruct three dimensional structure of the scene. To do this, stereo matching needs solution to stereo correspondence problem, and finding an accurate solution to correspondence problem is the key to success of stereo matching and its application such as image- and video-based rendering, virtual view synthesis, $\it{etc}$. In this dissertation, stereo matching based on under- and over-segmentation is considered. In general, over-segmentation-based algorithms perform well on textured regions but require special provision to handle untextured regions, and the converse is true for under-segmentation-based algorithms. Unlike other over-segmentation-based algorithms, the proposed algorithm uses over-segmentation as well as under-segmentation to handle untextured regions. The disparity map is estimated based on over-segmentation, which is achieved by further segmenting the large segments of the under-segmented image. The over-segment disparity estimate in untextured regions is constrained to be close to the under-segment disparity estimate obtained by plane-fitting. This dissertation also considers a novel occlusion detection and handling algorithm using the disparity estimate of the match image. Incorporating energy terms that appropriately handle untextured regions as well as textured regions and occlusions, a global energy minimization framework is constructed based on a pairwise Markov random field, and the maximum a posteriori estimation using loopy belief propagation is performed to infer the disparities. Using both under- and over-segmentation, performance is improved over other over-segmentation-based algorithms, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed occlusion detection and handling algorithm.
Yoo, Chang Dresearcher유창동researcher
한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학전공,
Issue Date
308789/325007  / 020064085

학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학전공, 2009.2, [ vii, 31 p. ]


Stereo; 3D/Stereo scene analysis; Segmentation; 스테레오; 3차원/입체 장면 분석; 세그멘테이션; Stereo; 3D/Stereo scene analysis; Segmentation; 스테레오; 3차원/입체 장면 분석; 세그멘테이션

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