Achieving the Double Bottom Line with Artificial Intelligence by Addressing Inequity: A Global Comparative Analysis of an Educational Technology Firm

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dc.contributor.authorJeong, Dahaeko
dc.contributor.authorShin, Donghyukko
dc.contributor.authorAuh, Seigyoungko
dc.contributor.authorHan, Sang Pilko
dc.identifier.citation43rd International Conference on Information Systems: Digitization for the Next Generation, ICIS 2022-
dc.description.abstractCan companies use artificial intelligence to attain the Double Bottom Line (simultaneous pursuit of financial performance and social impact) by enhancing equity? Drawing on equity theory, we develop a conceptual model whereby perceived AI quality positively affects firm performance that is mediated by equity in the educational technology sector. Using observational data collected from a global AI-powered learning app, we find support for educational equity as a full mediator between perceived AI quality and firm performance. Moreover, we also find support for conditional indirect effects. The mediating role of educational equity is moderated by political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological factors. Our research contributes to the growing popularity of transforming a business model from a bottom line to a double bottom line approach. We discuss how our study extends the IS literature on the integration between artificial intelligence and equity and the managerial implications for an inclusive information system.-
dc.publisherAssociation for Information Systems-
dc.titleAchieving the Double Bottom Line with Artificial Intelligence by Addressing Inequity: A Global Comparative Analysis of an Educational Technology Firm-
dc.citation.publicationname43rd International Conference on Information Systems: Digitization for the Next Generation, ICIS 2022-
dc.contributor.localauthorShin, Donghyuk-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorJeong, Dahae-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorAuh, Seigyoung-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorHan, Sang Pil-
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MT-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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