Vapor‑Phase Deposited Polymer Dielectric Layers for Organic Electronics: Design, Characteristics, and Applications

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The emergence of organic electronics has transformed the landscape of electronic devices, paving the way for future advancements in low-power, flexible, and wearable electronics compatible with various form factors. Polymeric dielectric layers are pivotal in the implementation of organic electronics due to their inherent deformable characteristics as well as outstanding insulating performance. Here, the review highlights an innovative technology termed initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) for synthesizing polymer dielectric materials, particularly in the context of organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). The all-dry polymer deposition process circumvents issues associated with conventional solvent-based methods, such as residual solvent, potential damage to the substrate, and the lack of large-area uniformity, allowing for ultra-thin, high-purity polymer dielectric layers with exceptional dielectric performance comparable to inorganic dielectrics. Furthermore, iCVD process enables the incorporation of various chemical functionalities into the dielectric layer, which enables the generation of versatile, high-performance organic electronic devices. Based on the beneficial aspects of the iCVD process, the review provides an overview of iCVD polymer dielectric layers, emphasizing their significance and potential toward innovative applications in the fields of organic electronic, including OTFTs, resistive random-access memory (RRAM), flash memory and logic circuits.
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Review; Early Access

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering

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CBE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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