Cardiovascular hardware simulator and artificial aorta-generated central blood pressure waveform database according to various vascular ages for cardiovascular health monitoring applications

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This study presents a database of central blood pressure waveforms according to cardiovascular health conditions, to supplement the lack of clinical data in cardiovascular health research, constructed by a cardiovascular simulator. Blood pressure (BP) is the most frequently measured biomarker, and in addition to systolic and diastolic pressure, its waveform represents the various conditions of cardiovascular health. A BP waveform is formed by overlapping the forward and reflected waves, which are affected by the pulse wave velocity (PWV). The increase in vascular stiffness with aging increases PWV, and the PWV-age distribution curve is called vascular age. For cardiovascular health research, extensive data of central BP waveform is essential, but the clinical data published so far are insufficient and imbalanced in quantity and quality. This study reproduces the central BP waveform using a cardiovascular hardware simulator and artificial aortas, which mimic the physiological structure and properties of the human. The simulator can adjust cardiovascular health conditions to the same level as humans, such as heart rate of 40–100 BPM, stroke volume of 40–100 mL, and peripheral resistance of 12 steps. Also, 6 artificial aortas with vascular ages in the 20–70 were fabricated to reproduce the increase in vascular stiffness due to aging. Vascular age calculated from measured stiffness of artificial aorta and central BP waveform showed an error of less than 3 years from the clinical value. Through this, a total of 636 waveforms were created to construct a central BP waveform database according to controlled various cardiovascular health conditions.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD
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Computers in Biology and Medicine, v.172

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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