Studies on selective cleavages of small membered cyclic ethers with $SmI_2$사마리움 다이아이오다이드를 이용한 작은 고리 에테르의 선택적인 개열반응에 관한 연구

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The usefulness of $SmI_2$ as a versatile reagent in organic synthesis has been demonstrated by its widespread application for reduction of various functional groups, as well as its mediation of a range of promoting numerous synthetic transformations for the construction of complex organic compounds. The development of novel sequential reactions mediated by $SmI_2$ with high degree of stereo- and chemoselectivity has been described. A new and convenient method of iodination with samariumiodide complex has been developed. The present reaction provides an efficient method for the synthesis of iodohydrins in a regio- and stereoselective manner. This reaction was applied to the specific transformation of 2``,3``-anhydropurine nucleosides into 3``-deoxypurine nucleoside analogues including a natural product of cordycepin. A novel method of generating γ -lactones mediated by $SmI_2$ has been developed under mild conditions in high chemical yields. Tandem epoxide opening-cyclization reactions provided the construction of cis-fused bicyclic γ -lactones, spiro γ -lactones and $\alpha$ -methylene-γ-lactone derivatives. It has been found that epoxides cleaved to iodohydrins with catalytic amount of samariumiodide complex in a regio- and stereoselective manner. This reaction was also applied to the polymer-supported Sm reagent mediated transformation of epoxides into the iodohydrins. A novel method for tandem epoxide opening-iodocyclization reaction has been developed using catalytic amount of samariumiodide complex under neutral and mild conditions. Propiolate esters reacted with ketones in the presence of $SmI_2$ and t-BuOH to afford 4-hydroxy-(E)-2-alkenoic acid derivatives in moderate to good yields under mild reaction conditions. Acylative cleavages of cyclic ethers (3- to 5-membered rings) by chelation control between samarium and ether oxygen afforded functionalized acylated iodide compounds in high chemical yields with high regioselectivity. Treatment o...
Kim, Yong-Hae김용해
한국과학기술원 : 화학과,
Issue Date
180998/325007 / 000995018

학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 화학과, 2003.2, [ v, 115 p. ]


Iodohydrins; Regioselectivity; Selective Cleavages; SmI2; Stereoselectivity; 입체선택성; 자리선택성; 요도히드린; 개열반응; 사마리움 다이아이오다이드

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