EEG-EMG hybrid real-time classification of hand grasp and release movements intention in chronic stroke patients

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Rehabilitation of the hand motor function is essential for stroke patients to resume activities of daily living. Recent studies have shown that wearable robot systems, like a multi degree-of-freedom soft glove, have the potential to improve hand motor impairment. The rehabilitation system, which is intuitively controlled according to the user's intention, is expected to induce active participation of the user and further promote brain plasticity. However, due to the patient-specific nature of stroke patients, extracting the intention from stroke patients is still challenging. In this study, we implemented a classifier that combines EEG and EMG to detect chronic stroke patients' four types of intention: rest, grasp, hold, and release. Three chronic stroke patients participated in the experiment and performed rest, grasp, hold, and release actions. The rest vs. grasp binary classifier and release vs. hold binary classifier showed 76.9% and 86.6% classification accuracy in real-time, respectively. In addition, patient-specific accuracy comparisons showed that the hybrid approach was robust to upper limb impairment level compared to other approaches. We believe that these results could pave the way for the development of BCI-based robotic hand rehabilitation therapy.
IEEE Computer Society
Issue Date

2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2022

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ME-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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