Analysis of transmitter coil selection method for wireless power transfer system with multi-transmitter coils and one-receiver coil for high efficiency하나의 수신코일에 대해 다중 송신코일을 가지는 무선전력전송 시스템에서 높은 효율을 위한 송신코일 선택방법 분석

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dc.contributor.advisorAhn, Seung Young-
dc.contributor.authorHuh, Sungryul-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 조천식녹색교통대학원, 2020.8,[iv, 37 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractIn a wireless power transfer system, if the receiver (RX) coil deviates from the transmitter (TX) area, the power transfer efficiency (PTE) drops rapidly. One of several method for solving the drawback is to expand the range of high PTE by arranging the multiple TX coils. If several TX coils are selectively activated according to the position and size of the RX coil, the power loss and leakage magnetic field generated in the TX coil having low influence can be reduced. However, research on the exact criteria for selecting an appropriate TX coil has not been conducted so far. Therefore, we proposed the TX coil selection criteria that can achieve the maximum PTE among several coils. Using the proposed criteria, it is possible to select the TX coils capable of maximizing PTE according to the position of the RX coil, and the proposed criteria can be applied to various cases regardless of the number and arrangement of activating TX coils. The criteria are derived through the mathematical analysis of the PTE according to the selection of the TX coil, and verified through simulation and experiment.-
dc.subjectWireless power transfer(WPT)▼aMisalignment▼aMuti-TX coil▼aCoil selection criteria▼aMaximum power transfer efficiency-
dc.subject무선전력전송▼a코일 오정렬▼a다중송신코일▼a코일선택기준▼a최대전력전송효율-
dc.titleAnalysis of transmitter coil selection method for wireless power transfer system with multi-transmitter coils and one-receiver coil for high efficiency-
dc.title.alternative하나의 수신코일에 대해 다중 송신코일을 가지는 무선전력전송 시스템에서 높은 효율을 위한 송신코일 선택방법 분석-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :조천식녹색교통대학원,-
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