Development of explainable prediction model for major depressive disorder based on resting-state causal connectome휴지기 뇌 인과적 연결성에 기반한 설명가능한 우울증 예측 모델 개발

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dc.contributor.advisorJeong, Bumseok-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Sunghwan-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 의과학대학원, 2023.2,[iv, 75 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractand HCP, Human Connectome Project: dataset of 865 subjects) were used to implement a depression-prediction model, based on machine learning and deep learning. A graph neural network-based model capable of learning directed causal-graph properties showed the best performance-
dc.description.abstractits explanatory model suggested relevant brain regions and the connectivity of depression. The framework applied in this study is expected to shed light on the pathophysiology of depression at both the individual and group levels, providing assistance for diagnosis and therapeutic decision-making in clinical practice.-
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades, many attempts have been made to identify biomarkers and build prediction models for depression, using the resting-state functional connectome. However, most of these have used brain connectivity, based on temporal correlation and small-scale datasets-
dc.description.abstractthey are therefore vulnerable to confounding effects. The present study has obtained a whole-brain causal connectome from the brain’s resting-state functional MRI signals. Data drawn from three large-scale datasets (YAD, Young-Age Depression: dataset of 294 participants-
dc.description.abstractEMBARC, Establishing Moderators and Biosignatures of Antidepressant Response in Clinical Care: dataset of 162-
dc.subjectResting-state functional MRI▼aMajor depressive disorder▼aCausal connectome▼aFunctional connectome▼aGraph-neural network▼aExplainable model-
dc.subject휴지기 기능뇌영상▼a주요 우울증▼a인과적 연결성▼a커넥톰▼a그래프 신경망▼a설명가능한 모델-
dc.titleDevelopment of explainable prediction model for major depressive disorder based on resting-state causal connectome-
dc.title.alternative휴지기 뇌 인과적 연결성에 기반한 설명가능한 우울증 예측 모델 개발-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :의과학대학원,-
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