Optimal designs with different risk criteria in attribute acceptance sampling다양한 위험 기준에 대한 최적 계수형 샘플링 검사

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dc.contributor.advisorChung, Yeonseung-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Taeyeon-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 수리과학과, 2023.2,[iv, 33 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, a study was conducted on the optimal design of acceptance sampling by attributes as a sample survey method for quality control of the manufacturing industry. Acceptance sampling by attributes is a sampling method in which when a products are produced in units of lots, a sample is taken from each lot, examined, and then a lot is judged to be accepted or rejected according to the number of defective products detected. Traditionally, the optimal design was found using producer's risk and consumer's risk defined by fixing the fraction defective to a specific value, but it has the disadvantage that the number of samples required becomes very large when the fraction defective is very low. Therefore, in this study, an optimal design was based on the average risk and Bayesian risk defined by assuming uncertainty in the fraction defective, and the sensitivity according to the prior distribution was investigated. The optimal design with the new risk has the advantage of controlling the same level of risk with a smaller number of samples, and Bayesian risk has resulted in more inelastic results for prior distributions.-
dc.subjectproducer risk▼aconsumer risk▼aBayesian risk▼aacceptance sampling by attributes▼abeta prior model-
dc.subject생산자 위험▼a소비자 위험▼a베이지안 위험▼a계수형 함격 표본 추출▼a베타 사전 분포-
dc.titleOptimal designs with different risk criteria in attribute acceptance sampling-
dc.title.alternative다양한 위험 기준에 대한 최적 계수형 샘플링 검사-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :수리과학과,-
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