Garment sewing pattern estimation from a single image의상을 착용한 단일 이미지로부터 의상 바느질 패턴 예측

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Sung-Hee-
dc.contributor.authorLim, Seungchan-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 문화기술대학원, 2022.8,[ii, 23 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we consider reconstructing a natural 3D garment according to any pose from a single human image. Previous works had limitations in that 3D garment and body can only be generated in a state being attached to each other, so when changing the pose, the garment depend on motions of the body. Also, they generated garment that corresponded only to the input pose. To address these problems, we propose generating a garment sewing pattern from a single image. By predicting sewing patterns instead of 3D garments and simulating the sewing patterns, we can generate 3D garments that can change with any pose. There are two processes to predict a garment sewing pattern from a single image. First, we use T-pose prediction network to transform the avatar and garment of an input image into T-pose that best represents the shape of the garment. Next, we use sewing pattern parameters network to extract garment sewing pattern parameters from a T-pose garment image. In addition, we construct the dataset of garment images in various poses and their corresponding garment sewing patterns. we visualize sewing patterns predicted through our framework and also conduct an ablation study on the effect of components of our framework.-
dc.subjectComputer vision▼a3D garment reconstruction▼aPose estimation for garments▼aSewing pattern generation-
dc.subject컴퓨터 비전▼a3차원 의상 복원▼a의상 자세 예측▼a바느질 패턴 생성-
dc.titleGarment sewing pattern estimation from a single image-
dc.title.alternative의상을 착용한 단일 이미지로부터 의상 바느질 패턴 예측-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :문화기술대학원,-
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