Correlated Local Fluctuations in the Hydrogen Bond Network of Liquid Water

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The hypothesis that liquid water can separate into two phases in the supercooled state has been supported by recent experimental and theoretical studies. However, whether such structural inhomogeneity extends to ambient conditions is under intense debate. Due to the dynamic nature of the hydrogen bond network of liquid water, exploring its structure requires detailed insight into the collective motion of neighboring water molecules, a missing link that has not been examined so far. Here, highly sensitive quantum mechanical calculations detect that the time evolution of nearby hydrogen bonds is strongly correlated, revealing a direct mechanism for the appearance of short-range structural fluctuations in the hydrogen bond network of liquid water for the first time. This correlated dynamics is found to be closely connected to the static structural picture. The distortions from the tetrahedral structure do not occur independently but are correlated due to the preference of nearby donors and acceptors to be in similar environments. The existence of such cooperative fluctuations is further supported by the temperature dependence of the local structural evolution and explained by conventional analysis of localized orbitals. It was found that such correlated structural fluctuations are only observed on a short length scale in simulations at ambient conditions. The correlations of the nearby hydrogen bond pairs of liquid water unveiled here are expected to offer a new insight into connecting the dynamics of individual water molecules and the local structure of the hydrogen bond network.
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JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.144, no.29, pp.13127 - 13136

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CBE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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