OddEyeCam: a sensing technique for body-centric peephole interaction using WFoV RGB and NFoV depth cameras광각 RGB 카메라와 좁은 화각의 깊이 카메라를 사용한 신체 중심의 핍홀 인터렉션 지원 기술

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Geehyuk-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Daehwa-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전산학부, 2021.2,[v, 35 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractThe space around the body not only expands the interaction space of a mobile device beyond its small screen, but also enables users to utilize their kinesthetic sense. Therefore, body-centric peephole interaction has gained considerable attention. To support its practical implementation, I propose OddEyeCam, which is a vision-based method that tracks the 3D location of a mobile device in an absolute, wide, and continuous manner with respect to the body of a user in both static and mobile environments. OddEyeCam tracks the body of a user using a wide-view RGB camera and obtains precise depth information using a narrow-view depth camera from a smartphone close to the body. I quantitatively evaluated OddEyeCam through an accuracy test and two user studies. The accuracy test showed the average tracking accuracy of OddEyeCam was 4.17 and 4.47cm in 3D space when a participant is standing and walking, respectively. In the first user study, I implemented various interaction scenarios and observed that OddEyeCam was well received by the participants. In the second user study, I observed that the peephole target acquisition task performed using the OddEyeCam system followed Fitts’ law. I also analyzed the performance of OddEyeCam using the obtained measurements and observed that the participants completed the tasks with sufficient speed and accuracy.-
dc.subjectSpatially-aware display▼aMobile device▼aSensing▼a3D▼aPeephole display▼aBody-centric Interaction-
dc.subject공간 인풋▼a위치 인식 디스플레이▼a모바일 디바이스▼a감지 기술▼a핍홀 디스플레이▼a신체 중심 상호작용-
dc.titleOddEyeCam: a sensing technique for body-centric peephole interaction using WFoV RGB and NFoV depth cameras-
dc.title.alternative광각 RGB 카메라와 좁은 화각의 깊이 카메라를 사용한 신체 중심의 핍홀 인터렉션 지원 기술-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전산학부,-
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