Designing 3D Polymer Nanostructure through Capillary Wetting on Colloidal Monolayer

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Colloidal lithography is a lithography technique that uses colloids as a lithographic mask to create various patterns. Colloidal lithography can create a variety of patterns by varying the particle size of the colloidal particle, the arrangement of particles, and the deposition angle of metals. In addition to these methods, a new 3D nanostructure is created by using capillary wetting to colloidal lithography. In silica nanoparticle masks coated on photoresist, capillary wetting occurs to minimize their surface tension. If the temperature is higher than the glass transition temperature of the glass transition temperature, the photoresist has fluidity and silica particles are embedded on the photoresist. However, if the thickness of the photoresist is much thinner than that of the silica nanoparticle mask, a small amount of photoresist comes up along the particles to satisfy the contact angle with the silica particles, serving as a template for plasmonic color or omniphobic surface.
Issue Date

2022 한국고분자학회 춘계 학술대회

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CBE-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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