Scene graph generation with attended predicate prediction주의 집중된 관계 추론을 통한 장면 그래프 생성

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dc.contributor.advisorYoo, Chang Dong-
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Van Cao-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학부, 2020.2,[iii, 22 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractScene graph generation is the task of detecting objects and their pairwise visual relationships in an image. This task is challenging because it requires not only detecting object instances of various categories but also high-level understandings of visual relation. Besides accurate object detection, a high-performance predicate classifier is critical for an applicable scene graph generation model for real-world systems. To the best of our knowledge, all prior works in scene graph generation align a union region of two objects and flatten it into a vector without any processing in the middle. In this work, we propose a Union Region Attention module to focus on objects and the interaction between them in union image regions. Namely, this module generates a spatial attention mask for the union region of two objects by using embedding features from their labels, appearances, and spatial configuration. The mask puts higher weights on important points of objects than irrelevant points in the union region. Despite its simplicity, the model with our proposed module outperforms other state-of-the-art predicate prediction methods. Experiments on Visual Genome confirm the efficacy of our module. We also conduct ablation studies to provide insight into the operation of each component of our union region attention module.-
dc.subjectScene Graph Generation▼aPredicate Prediction▼aGuided Attention▼aComputer Vision▼aDeep Learning-
dc.subject장면 그래프 생성▼a술어 예측▼a지도된 집중▼a컴퓨터 비전▼a딥 러닝-
dc.titleScene graph generation with attended predicate prediction-
dc.title.alternative주의 집중된 관계 추론을 통한 장면 그래프 생성-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전기및전자공학부,-
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