Rapid threat analysis and forensic evidence collection in radiological terror scene using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy레이저유도 플라즈마 분광법을 이용한 방사성 테러 현장에서의 신속한 위해도 평가와 포렌식 증거 수집

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dc.contributor.advisorSungyeol Choi-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Yunu-
dc.description학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 원자력및양자공학과, 2019.8,[iii, 73 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractRapid threat analysis is essential in radiological terror scenes to protect workers and the public. Among the potential materials for radiological explosive devices, $^{90}$Sr is the most likely due to its prevalent use in industrial applications. Unfortunately, the analysis of radioactive Sr is very slow using conventional radiation detection method because $^{90}$Sr emits $\beta$-ray only due to the rigorously interacts with matter and rarely reaches a detector. For detecting Sr onsite, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) can be an attractive supplementary method. This study investigates the effect of different substrates on identifying Sr physically adsorbed on their surface using single-shot LIBS. The substrates for analysis include metals (aluminium, stainless steels), porous medium (mortar, polyester), and transparent materials (PET). Three chemical compounds, $SrCO_3$, $SrTiO_3$, and $SrF_2$, are selected as the target compounds, based on historical theft cases. Stainless steel exhibits the lowest LOD at 407.77 nm (1.09 $\micro$g/$cm^2$ for $SrCO_3$ and $SrF_2$), with high reliability. To evaluate the reliability of the LOD, the surface distribution, which can affect the reliability, is determined by the sample heterogeneity. In addition, the molecular emissions from the vibrational transition are analyzed, based on the LIBS spectra. Furthermore, the components that must be considered when applied the LIBS technique on-site is discussed and the useful signatures of signal are discovered.-
dc.subjectNuclear forensics▼alaser-induced breakdown spectroscopy▼avibrational band▼aurban environment▼aradiological dispersion device-
dc.subject포렌식▼a레이저유도 플라즈마 분광법▼a진동 전이▼a도시 환경▼a방사성 분산 장치-
dc.titleRapid threat analysis and forensic evidence collection in radiological terror scene using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy-
dc.title.alternative레이저유도 플라즈마 분광법을 이용한 방사성 테러 현장에서의 신속한 위해도 평가와 포렌식 증거 수집-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :원자력및양자공학과,-
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