Effective program debloating via reinforcement learning

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Prevalent software engineering practices such as code reuse and the “one-size-fits-all” methodology have contributed to significant and widespread increases in the size and complexity of software. The resulting software bloat has led to decreased performance and increased security vulnerabilities. We propose a system called Chisel to enable programmers to effectively customize and debloat programs. Chisel takes as input a program to be debloated and a high-level specification of its desired functionality. The output is a reduced version of the program that is correct with respect to the specification. Chisel significantly improves upon existing program reduction systems by using a novel reinforcement learning-based approach to accelerate the search for the reduced program and scale to large programs. Our evaluation on a suite of 10 widely used UNIX utility programs each comprising 13-90 KLOC of C source code demonstrates that Chisel is able to successfully remove all unwanted functionalities and reduce attack surfaces. Compared to two state-of-the-art program reducers C-Reduce and Perses, which time out on 6 programs and 2 programs respectively in 12 hours, Chisel runs up to 7.1x and 3.7x faster and finishes on all programs.
Association for Computing Machinery
Issue Date

25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2018, pp.380 - 394

Appears in Collection
CS-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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