Scienscope: Hand-Held Mediation Device for Facilitating Exploratory Behaviors with Exhibits in Museum Visitors

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Many museums have begun to use mobile devices to provide interactive content to visitors. However, such devices can also easily distract visitors, drawing their attention away from the exhibits. In this pictorial, we show the steps in designing Scienscope—a hand-held mediation device that can be used as a stethoscope to explore additional information hidden within exhibits at close range. As Scienscope hovers on authentic objects, it provides digital content and audio-haptic feedback, reinforcing the visitors’ exploratory behaviors. After interviewing museum experts and bodystorming the museum space, we followed an iterative design process using low-fi prototyping to explore the users’ experience. Three application scenarios were devised to show how Scienscope can be used for different types of exhibits. We discussed how visitors respond to and explore hidden information about exhibits at close range, which can be helpful for museum curators and designers.
Association for Computing Machinery
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ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS), pp.709 - 721

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ID-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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