Asymmetric Disappearance and Periodic Asymmetric Phenomena of Rocking Dynamics in Micro Dual-capacitive Energy Harvester

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dc.contributor.authorZhu, Jiaxiongko
dc.contributor.authorGuo, Xiaoyuko
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Runko
dc.identifier.citation2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Energy Technology, Power Engineering (MEP)-
dc.description.abstractWe study asymmetric disappearance and period asymmetric phenomena starting with a rocking dynamic in micro dual-capacitive energy harvester. The mathematical model includes nonlinear electrostatic forces from the variable dual capacitor, the numerical functioned forces provided by suspending springs, linear damping forces and an external vibration force. The suspending plate and its elastic supports were designed in a symmetric structure in the micro capacitor, however, the reported energy harvester was unavoidable starting with a asymmetric motion in the real vibration environment. We found that the designed dual energy capacitive harvester can harvest similar to 6 mu W with 10V input voltage, and under 0.8 time's resonant frequency vibration. We also discovered that the rocking dynamics of the suspended plate can be showed with an asymmetric disappearance or periodic asymmetric phenomena starting with an asymmetric motion. The study of these asymmetric disappearance and period asymmetric phenomena were not only important for the design of the stability of the micro capacitor for sensor or the energy harvesting, but also gave a deep understanding of the rocking nonlinear dynamics of the complex micro structures and beams.-
dc.publisherAMER INST PHYSICS-
dc.titleAsymmetric Disappearance and Periodic Asymmetric Phenomena of Rocking Dynamics in Micro Dual-capacitive Energy Harvester-
dc.citation.publicationname2nd International Conference on Materials Science, Energy Technology, Power Engineering (MEP)-
dc.identifier.conferencelocationHangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorGuo, Xiaoyu-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorHuang, Run-
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RIMS Conference Papers
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