Utilizing In-Store Sensors for Revisit Prediction

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Predicting revisit intention is very important for the retail industry. Converting first-time visitors to repeating customers is of prime importance for high profitability. However, revisit analyses for (offline retail businesses have been conducted on a small scale in previous studies, mainly because their methodologies have mostly relied on manually collected data. With the help of noninvasive monitoring, analyzing a customer's behavior inside stores has become possible, and revisit statistics are available from the large portion of customers who turn on their Wi-Fi or Bluetooth devices. Using Wi-Fi fingerprinting data from ZOYI, we propose a systematic framework to predict the revisit intention of customers using only signals received from their mobile devices. Using data collected from seven flagship stores in downtown Seoul, we achieved 67-80% prediction accuracy for all customers and 64-72% prediction accuracy for first-time visitors. The performance improvement by considering customer mobility was 4.7-24.3%. Our framework showed a feasibility to predict revisits using customer mobility from WiFi signals, that have not been considered in previous marketing studies. Toward this goal, we examine the effect of data collection period on the prediction performance and present the robustness of our model on missing customers. Finally, we discuss the difficulties of securing prediction accuracy with the features that look promising but turn out to he unsatisfactory.
Issue Date

18th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), pp.217 - 226

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IE-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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