Essays on asset pricing and international finance : (the) risk premium in the futures markets자산 가격 결정 및 국제 금융 연구 : 선물 시장의 리스크 프리미엄에 대해

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dc.contributor.advisorKim, Jihee-
dc.contributor.authorJo, Yonghwan-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 기술경영학부, 2018.8,[iii, 79 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractIn this study, I study futures markets with respect to empirical asset pricing and international finance. In the first essay, I show that short-term funding liquidity risk in the Chinese interbank system affects global commodity markets. To circumvent capital controls, investors in China import commodities, collateralize them, and invest in high-yielding shadow banking products. I examine how the risk of the shadow banking products affects commodity markets. Specifically, due to maturity mismatch problems of these products, I focus on funding liquidity risk. I find the strong empirical support that this liquidity risk affects commodities futures risk premiums. Moreover, I show, as expected, that this impact is stronger for metal commodities as they are better suited as collateral. In the second essay, I re-examine the time series momentum anomaly in order to resolve several issues raised in a previous study. I first find that there is a significant and economically meaningful time series momentum anomaly regardless of the volatility scaling method. I also show that the anomaly exists even after considering the characteristics of diversified futures markets and more factors. Lastly, I show that the time series momentum has continued to show this anomaly in recent years.-
dc.subjectAsset pricing▼afutures pricing▼ainternational financial markets▼acommodity markets▼achinese interbank markets▼achinese shadow banking systems▼amaturity mismatch risk▼atime series momentum▼avolatility scaling-
dc.subject자산 가격 결정▼a선물 가격 결정▼a국제 금융 시장▼a원자재 시장▼a중국 은행▼a중국 그림자 금융▼a만기불일치 위험▼a시계열 모멘텀▼a변동성 비례법-
dc.titleEssays on asset pricing and international finance-
dc.title.alternative자산 가격 결정 및 국제 금융 연구 : 선물 시장의 리스크 프리미엄에 대해-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :기술경영학부,-
dc.title.subtitle(the) risk premium in the futures markets-
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