Parameterized slot scheduling for adaptive and autonomous TSCH networks

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Internet of things (IoT) technologies have been widely used in various applications, especially in industrial field, which often require energy efficiency, high reliability, and low delay. Recently, Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) that operates based on TDMA with channel hopping has been standardized to achieve such multiple goals. Based on TSCH protocol, the nodes are scheduled at slots by scheduling algorithm, where there is a trade-off between energy efficiency and contention among the senders. In this paper, we propose a novel slot scheduling mechanism that works on TSCH, called PAAS (Parameterized Adaptive and Autonomous Scheduling), which minimizes the energy consumption with the reasonably low latency while guaranteeing the reliability. PAAS is an autonomous and distributed algorithm and it works adaptively to traffic intensity, Slotframe length, and reliability requirements. To evaluate PAAS, we implement PAAS in Contiki OS and perform extensive simulations using Cooja simulator where we confirm that energy consumption is reduced by up to 63 % comparing to existing scheduling algorithms with 99.997 % reliability.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Issue Date

2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM 2018, pp.76 - 81

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EE-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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