자기조직 신경 회로망을 이용한 스테레오 비젼 시스템의 대응문제 해결에 관한 연구A Study on Correspondence Problem of Stereo Vision System using Self-Organized Neural Network

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dc.contributor.authorCho, Young Bin-
dc.contributor.authorGweon, Dae Gab-
dc.identifier.citationJournal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.10, No.4en
dc.description.abstractIn this study, self-organized neural network is used to solve the correspondence problem of the axial stereo image. Edge points are extracted from a pair of stereo images and then the edge points of rear image are assined to the output nodes of neural network. In the matching process, the two input nodes of neural networks are supplied with the coordinates of the edge point selected randomly from the front image. This input data activate optimaal output node and its neighbor nodes whose coordinates are thought to be correspondence point for the present input data, and then their weights are allowed to updated. After several iterations of updating, the weight whose coordinates represent rear edge point are converged to the coordinates of the correspondence points in the front image. Because of the feature map properties of self-organized neural network, noise-free and smoothed depth data can be achieved.en
dc.publisherKorean Society for Precision Engineeringen
dc.subject스테레오 비전en
dc.subject자기조직 신경회로망en
dc.subject3차원 정보추출en
dc.title자기조직 신경 회로망을 이용한 스테레오 비젼 시스템의 대응문제 해결에 관한 연구en
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Correspondence Problem of Stereo Vision System using Self-Organized Neural Networken
dc.subject.alternativeStereo Visionen
dc.subject.alternativeCorrespondence Problemen
dc.subject.alternativeSelf-Organized Neural Networken
dc.subject.alternativeEdge Detectionen
dc.subject.alternative3D Data Extractionen
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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)


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